Wednesday, March 25, 2015

I AM part of THE … 'Men of HONOR'!

My LEG-gym OWNER--to ME--about my WALKING:
"WHY do you WANT this so BAD?!"
MY response: "'Cuz they (my DOUBTERS, HATERS, … DOCTORS) said I couldN'T have it.
… I wanna be the BEST."
NeuroFit 360 - OWNER: (SIGH) "Well, you ARE."

((--Carl Brashear (ME), 'Men of Honor')

ME: "I DESERVE to PASS (this WALKING-test)."
My mother--to ME: "Since WHEN does … 'DESERVING' ... mean a GOD-DAMN thing?!"

(-- … STILL 'Men of Honor')

During "SPEECH Therapy" today, my "Therapist" & I played our USUAL … COMPETITIVE, HIGH-QUALITY game of "Scrabble".
I've CONSISTENTLY/REPEATEDLY demonstrated my "MENTAL-MATH MASTERY", so she trusts me to keep score--with-OUT any questions or doubt.
"Alliteration aside."(--Peter LaFluer, 'Dodgeball')
She HAD TO depart, BEFORE I completed my LAST turn.  So, upon her DEPARTURE, I TRAILED by four points.
Thus, by the "SMILING-GRACE of KARMA" upon MY placing the FINAL-WORD upon the board, I turned a FOUR-point DEFICIT into a THREE-point WIN.


I did some PHENOMENAL "STANDING" & WEIGHT-SHIFTING @ "NeuroFit 360" today.
I (INTERNALLY-) heard the OWNER of said FANTASTIC facility URGE me:

"You get in there and 'FIGHT', (A.J.)!  DoN'T take promises.  BUST (our) RULES, if you have to!  And, when it gets HARD, & it WILL, doN'T quit on me.  … EVER!"
(--Mac, 'Men of Honor')


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