Friday, March 6, 2015

"'PRIDE' only HURTS. It never HELPS."

(--Marcellus Wallace, 'Pulp Fiction')

Even when I "take a (METAPHORIC) 'step' BACKWARDS", I mustN'T/caN'T "get too DOWN on MYSELF"!

INNER-me to OUTER-me: "C'MON, A.J.!  'Hold your head up HIGH!'  People make MISTAKES.  Last time I checked (I reach down to grab my EXternal-genitalia with ONE HAND, & stroke my "Adam's apple" with the OTHER.), 'YOU ARE'/I AM/WE ARE' a 'PERSON'!"


As "PROUD" as I AM & as "INDEPENDENT" as I TRY to BE, I DO--STILL--NEED assistance/help with SOME things.


I'm a "BROKEN"-man.  Now's NOT the time NOR place to "embrace INDIVIDUALITY"!




are based upon--INEVITABLE--human-ERROR.

(… "It's SCIENCE."--Ron Burgundy, 'Anchorman')


JUST yesterday, my MATH-"tutEE" noticed "a couple" (2) errors in my ANSWER-KEY.
After CONGRATULATING, THANKING & COMMENDING her, I noticed that my "UN-certainties" were MERELY … HEINOUS "typos" and NOT "MIS-calculations".
So, I "breathed a SIGH of RELIEF", "mopped the SWEAT from my brow" & CHUCKLED at my care-LESS-ness.

(… "I've taught you WELL, grasshoppuh."--'Karate Kid II')


Yet AGAIN, I "performed" EXCELLENTLY at "NeuroFit 360" today!
((… I, EVEN, "STOOD"--UN-assisted (EXCEPT for my walker)--and "did a little DANCE"!))
I "WALKED" in & around the "facility".  I demonstrated PHENOMENAL LEG-control &
 -coordination as I STOOD & held a BALANCE-machine to BEND/SWING my feet/LEGS.
(… The OWNER of my GYM COMPLIMENTED my "performance" with … 1, 2, 3, … SEVEN different/random expressions of "WOW, GREAT JOB!"

(… Yet AGAIN, I made "EXCELLENCE" a "ROUTINE" rather than a "RARITY".)


"MOST will go their ENTIRE lives,
& NEVER experience THIS feeling."
(--University of Minnesota Gopher-Wrestling article: 'Obsessed Wrestler', underneath PICTURE of referee's raising VICTORIOUS wrestler's arm)

(… THIS quote has QUADRUPLE the meaning/application to ME:
1) So MANY DIFFERENT people have CLAIMED to ME, "I KNOW how YOU feel."
Uuummm, NO, you doN'T!  I've been told--by "DOCTORS"--that I'm "an ANOMALY, … 'cuz I SHOULD BE … DEAD"!
2) I--MYSELF--"WRESTLED" … in high school AND college.
3) I attended & COMPLETED a TWO-WEEK "Summer WRESTLING Camp" … AT said "GOPHER-Country".
4) I USED TO looove "WRESTLING".  One COULD/MIGHT have called me "OBSESSED".)


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