Tuesday, March 24, 2015

I am a … NEW & DIFFERENT kind/type of "ARTIST".

"Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it."


I can MOVE--my body--now that I'm NO LONGER in a coma.  


I've "unleashed the 'BEAST"!


I've NEVER been very (TEXTBOOK-) "ARTISTIC".
I'm MORE BUSINESS-/NUMBERS-oriented … as evidenced by my STARTED "Master's degree" in "BUSINESS-Entrepreneurship", when my TRAGIC/UNFORTUNATE/CATASTROPHIC car-accident occurred.

'Por ejemplo', I started a (my FIRST) BUSINESS at the "tender", YOUNG age of ~SIX years old.
My GOOD-buddy ((MY blog-"Architect"(--'The Matrix Reloaded')) would DRAW random pictures of DINOSAURS, & I'd SELL 'em to fellow-KIDS around my ELEMENTARY school for various CHANGE.

((… Was THIS "foreshadowing"--even THEN--to my MUCH LATER (~15 YEARS) POST-collegiate ACADEMIC-concentration?!))

FURTHERMORE, my--CURRENT--"ART" is--among OTHER things, "MATH-tutoring".
(… It's goin' VERY WELL!)
ALSO, I--occasionally--TEACH "art"--on the ground--to … KIDS: 'Jiujitsu' ('GROUND-fighting').

Even though I am VERY VISUAL, I just PREFER watching movies, visualizing "self defense"-techniques & "seeing" (MATHEMATICAL) problem-SOLUTIONS.
I guess that PAINTING/DRAWING is just NOT my "cup o' TEA".

So, BOTTOM-LINE: I'd RATHER see & experience cinematic-, "martial-" & numerical- "ART" OVER "MANUAL", "picturesque" art.


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