Tuesday, March 17, 2015

"MOST people don't know ANYTHING … beyond what they see with their OWN eyes."

(--Nightcrawler, 'X2: X-Men United')

As FANTASTIC as my HEARING is, I'm still--and ALWAYS have been--a "VISUAL-learner".

I think that THIS quote is the PRIME/QUINTESSENTIAL "definition" of
people's LACK OF


Now, I am NOT a religious-man AT ALL.
But, I AM a STAUNCH/AVID/FERVENT supporter of


ALL effort in/with TASKS/DEEDS/GOALS starts/BEGINS …

Due to my "T.B.I.", ALL of my EFFORT/ENERGY MUST BE "multiplied by ~3.1415926535897238" in order to "create SUITABLE/LEGITIMATE 'products' /results" … to/for ME.
(… AGAIN, tell me y'ALL "caught the CLEVER MATHEMATICAL-pun" about "PRODUCTS"!)

(… "Products" = "RESULTS/ANSWERS to a MULTIPLICATION-problem")

"We make our OWN 'DEMONS'."
(--Tony Stark, 'Iron Man 3')

(… This ACCOUNTABILITY led to the "coining" of the POPULAR-phrase: "
You brought this on YOURSELF.")
We/I MUST "take/accept RESPONSIBILITY" for our/my ERRORS!

(Note to y'ALL … & SELF:)

"When someone asks you if YOU are a GOD, you say 'YES'!"
(--Winston, 'Ghostbusters')

(So, my CONSTANTLY SITTING in my wheelchair SIGNIFICANTLY DE-creases my stature.)

"Even the 'SMALLEST' person can CHANGE the course of the FUTURE."
(--Galadriel, 'Lord of the Rings')

"There's SOME GOOD in this world, (A.J.), & THAT's worth 'fighting' FOR."
(--Samwise, 'Lord of the Rings')

"So, CAN you 'CHANGE the STAHS?"
"You can do ANYTHING you put your mind to."
(--''A Knight's Tale'')


In honor of TODAY, I'm considering BUYING a "St, Patty's Day"-STYLE shirt that says,
I'm … a WRESTLER!"


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