Wednesday, April 8, 2015

"EXCELLENCE knows NO age."

(--First Lieutenant Martin Pascal, 'Down Periscope')

ME (SEMI-sarcastically): "Oh, gee.  Now I've gone and done it--RUINED my career."
(--Lieutenant-Commander Tom Dodge, 'Down Periscope')
… I said "SEMI-sarcastically", because I--hopefully TEMPORARILY--halted/PAUSED my once-"BLOSSOMING"/PROMISING career as a "Technical Engineer" for a BIG-TIME Petroleum-Distributor.
ALAS!  That was THEN, and this is NOW.
''C'est la vie.''
I must ACCLIMATE to my "NEW LIFE".

(… Yet ANOTHER film-TITLE that ACCURATELY describes/summarizes/symbolizes my ONGOING "battle" would be

As the COMMON saying goes:
"When one door CLOSES, another one OPENS."
(… I shaN'T mention my "laundry-list" of OUTSTANDING accomplishments, goals & projects, 'cuz it'll just SADDEN me to recall my "INFINITE" missed OPPORTUNITIES.  Thus, I'll JUST focus on my CURRENT "work":

-- I--STILL--TEACH a KIDS' martial arts class.  NOW, I just focus almost ENTIRELY on 'Jujitsu' & wrestling.  ( … I am GREAT w/ KIDS!)

-- I operate a MATH-Tutoting Service.

-- My--fairly--NEW house "gives me" PLENTY of ROOM to host MANY, FREQUENT parties.
(… I am VERY/QUITE social.)
(… "ALL work & NO play makes Jack a DULL boy."--'The Shining')
… DESPITE its being a FANTASTIC film, its TITLE would be GROSSLY IN-accurate & rather frustrating/disheartening/fruitless for OTHERS to realize that NO ONE … CAN … do what I do.
(… I am thinking of the GREAT movie,
'The IMITATION Game'.)

"Sometimes it is the people no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine."
(… WELL-SAID, Mr. Turing!  --'The Imitation Game')

In MEMORY of my youngER days/years, I'll act A BIT "sophomoric".
(… OOO, THAT's a "MATURE" word!)

"Well, I'M polymerized tree-sap, & YOU'RE an inorganic adhesive.  Thus, whatever VERBAL-projectile YOU launch in MY general-direction is REFLECTED-OFF of ME, RETURNED on its ORIGINAL trajectory & adheres to YOU."
(--Dr. Sheldon Cooper, 'The Big Bang Theory')
… To CONTINUE with the "SMART people's ACTING juvenile"-theme,
my CURRENT housemate--who's SLIGHTLY oldER than I AND our high school's SALUTATORIAN--remarked:
"Welcome to the '30-Club'.  It's ALL puppies & rainbows & kittens from here."
… Even though I am NOT a BIG fan of ANY of the THREE stated "symbols"/"markings" of the "30-Club", I'll put my OPTIMISTIC/POSITIVE "spin" on 'em.

How APPROPRIATE that I watched the movie--'300'--this afternoon.
(… I am a WARRIOR/"BEAST".  I'd do ANYTHING to "DEFEAT" the almighty Greeks!)

(… 'Cuz of my TURKISH-heritage)

"NEVER trust the GREEKS, EVEN when bearing GIFTS" … like TURKISH 'yogurt'!

P.S. DESPITE their "WHINING & BITCHING", 'twas the (medieval, NOMADIC) Turks--NOT the Greeks--who FIRST created, ate & used the word--AND substance--'yogurt'
… P.P.S. The word--"yogurt"--is PRONOUNCED in Turkish as


'cuz of the 'YOO-mah-SHAHK gheh' ((PHONETIC Turkish for 'SOFT (SILENT) g'.))

On THIS DATE (April 8th) in WORLD-history:

1730 -- The FIRST Jewish congregation form a synagogue--in AMERICA ("Shearith Israel, NYC").
(… "You're NOT even fuckin' JEWISH!"--The DUDE, 'The Big Lebowski')
1789 -- The FIRST meeting of the "U.S. House of Representatives" was held.
(… So, they've had "their HEADS lodged FIRMLY up their (SO VERY IGNORANT & "MESSY") ASSES" for ~226 years!)
1796 -- Carl Friedrich Gauss PROVED the "Quadratic Reciprocity Law".
(… Coincidence?  I think NOT!)
1974 -- "Hammerin' Hank" Aaron hits his 715th CAREER home run … to break Babe Ruth's RECORD.
(… I love ALL SPORTS.)
1985 -- THE "Turkish DELIGHT" (I) was BORN.
(… Not to be TOO "HAUGHTY", but I am rather … AMAZING.)


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