Thursday, April 9, 2015

"GOOD-work takes TIME."

"'SUCCESS' isn't always about 'GREATNESS'.  It's about CONSISTENCY'.  CONSISTENT hard work gains SUCCESS.  GREATNESS will come.." -The Rock (Dwayne Johnson)

According to THAT philosophy/ideology, I will--EVENTUALLY--become a "'GREAT' WALKER"!
(… I'm not there YET.  But, I can FEEL my legs, back, eyes & posture IMPROVING!)
… How OFTEN does THAT appear on a LEGITIMATE resume'--
"GREAT walkER"?!

(… Well, once again, I'll be the FIRST!)

Since I "eat,sleep, drink, breathe & LIVE MATH", I was PREPARED with a 20-QUESTION quiz for my "tutEE", when she SURPRISED me by--RANDOMLY--showing up for an EXTRA, shortened REVIEW-session.
She had to go to WORK, so she JUST had time to do ONE problem.
(… The OTHER 95% are homework.  ''C'est la vie.'')

Working with KIDS--ESPECIALLY via "MARTIAL ARTS" (a :"TIME/WORK"^n- REQUIRED practice/skill) TESTS my/"ANY teacher's" PATIENCE.

Regarding ANY physical-activiy--SPECIFICALLY, "MY recovery/rehabilitation"--tend to go -AGAINST my "MATHEMATICAL-intuition":

"Your TALENT-level is either IMPROVING or DECLINING.
There are NO 'plateaus'."
(--University of Wisconsin FOOTBALL coach Paul Chryst)

Baxk in the day (high school), 

(I was out LATE, so MORE tomorrow.)


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