Thursday, April 16, 2015

… To SUM-UP yesterday's blog-"TRAGEDY" … & ADD TODAY's "WHAT-NOT":

Wednesday's ABRIDGED/TRUNCATED "thoughts" --

-- I had a GREAT "workout" … WITH the facility-OWNER … MAINLY-focused on my

-- My NEW "caregiver" (JUST for Sundays) did a SPLENDID job--for a CHANGE--upon his FURTHER RE-"training.
(… But, "the jury's STILL out" on HOW MUCH of his EXEMPLARY "workmanship" was AIDED by my OTHER, more EXEMPLARY "caregiver".)

-- I concluded that RATHER THAN "post" a SUMMARY at the END-of-the-day, I'm gonna TRY TO keep a "running PLAY-by-PLAY" as my "day UNFOLDS".
(… THAT way it'd be more like a "JOB" … with "WORK-hours".)


TODAY (THURSDAY, April 16th, 2015) --

-- This MORNING I arose at 6:02 am ('cuz of my employEES' LOUD shift-change at ~6:00).

-- The "URGE/FEELING to 'RELIEVE-myself"--via URINE--"struck" at ~6:32 am.  RATHER THAN simply being LAZY & ACCEPTING my urinal that my caregiver BROUGHT TO ME, I "took the INITIATIVE" and "WALKED" 'a mi "JUAN"'.

-- I was CONTEMPLATING "what I COULD DO about my TERRIBLE LONELINESS", when I "stumbled upon" the words of a GENIUS.  His "theories" ACCURATELY sum-up MY theory on …LIFE & our LIKES/DIS-likes:

("BEAUTY is in the eye(S) of the BEHOLDER.")
"What I see in Nature is a magnificent structure that we can comprehend only very imperfectly, and that must fill a thinking person with a feeling of humility."--Albert Einstein 

-- … Ergo, I thought of my MATH-tutEE & hosting another "par-TAY".

-- I had a lengthy-discussion with my nurse about the CONFUSION of my VARYING schedule.  
-- … ALSO, I asked her IF there was ANYTHING I could do HELP/"speed-UP" my "NO LONGER NEEDING a 'peg-tube'"-process.
My nurse's reply was the (UNFORTUNATE) "story of my (RECENT) life":
"Just WAIT & SEE."

-- My MATH-tutEE "dropped by"--SURPRISINGLY.  She MAINLY wanted to tell me that she's been "too SCARED lately" to take her BIG test.  THUS, I will prepare NEW WORD-problems for her to SOLVE.
(… I DID 'em.)

-- … By COMBINING "MATH" & GREAT television show, I watched the FANTASTIC crime-drama 'NUMB3RS' EARLY this afternoon (12 - 1 pm).
((… I REALLY LIKE to TRY to figure-out the problem BEFORE "the FUZZ" (COPS) do.))

-- Upon--YET AGAIN--watching an 'X-Men'-film, I've come to realize … & ACCEPT … the FACT that I may be developing A BIT of an OBSESSION with "Professor Charles Xavier". DESPITE being in a WHEELCHAIR (like ME), he possesses EXTRAORDINARY BRAIN-POWER (like ME).
(… Walter O'Brien of 'Scorpion' would UNDOUBTEDLY consider him "MENTALLY-ENABLED" & RECRUIT him.)
(… I WISH I had Wolverine's REMARKABLE ability to "RAPIDLY SELF-HEAL"!)

-- … I ALSO watched (at 2:30 pm) the beginning of 'The Bone Collector'--before my EARLY shower.  This PHENOMENAL film "ILLUSTRATES" the NEED of WALKING-people by the "LEG-handicapped" --like "Lincoln Rhyme" & MYSELF.

-- … Is it ME/I , or does the ALL-POWERFUL human-BRAIN … COMPENSATE, when certain SENSES are A BIT "SUB-par"?
(… My LEGS doN'T work.  Thus, my ARMS & HANDS have HAD TO do MORE.
… I STRUGGLE to CONSISTENTLY write LEGIBLY.  Ergo, I do almost ALL my "calculations" IN MY HEAD.)

-- I've KNOWN me for OVER 30 YEARS (30 years, 1 week & 1 day).  PLUS, I "GET"/understand MUCH of 'Scorpion' & 'NUMB3RS'.  So, I KNOW I'm a GENIUS.
(I STUFF white-rice in my mouth.)
"See if you can guess what I am NOW."
(I SMASH-into my DISTENDED cheeks with my fists.)
"I'm a ZIT.  Get it?!"

-- "(INANIMATE-objects) are sensu-AL.  PEOPLE are sensu-OUS."
(--Mrs. Wormer)

(… I watched 'Animal House' tonight.)

-- I attended KIDS' Karate-class (as I do EVERY Thursday-"PREvening" & Saturday-morning) ONLY to VIEW.  Needless to say, I AM rather POPULAR, SKILLED & RESPECTED.  So, I VIEWED & COMMENTED-ON some 'katas' ('PRE-designed DEFENSIVE-fighting movements').

-- … I AM scheduled to CO-teach/REVIEW a few 'jiujitsu'-techniques … of MY design.

-- So, my NEW caregiver is working TONIGHT.  So, let's HOPE ALL goes WELL.  (… Fingers CROSSED)

-- … SAID employee has done WELL with TWO "urinary-TREK"s.  But, he did QUITE/VERY POORLY on the THIRD trip.
(… I NEED the light ON in order to "WALK" … with my walker!)

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