Saturday, April 11, 2015

"You shouldN'T take life too SERIOUSLY. You'll never get out ALIVE."

… "Write that down."

APATHY is the 'GLOVE' into which EVIL slips its 'hand'."

(--''National Lampoon's Van Wilder'')

You've gotta CARE enough to CHANGE/"step OUTTA your "COMFORT-zone"!

IF your life is rather UN-eventful--as MINE CURRENTLY is, you must "go OUT-OF-YOUR WAY" to seek/find HAPPINESS/JOY/EXCITEMENT.

(… 'Por ejemplo':
This afternoon my buddy & his step-dad accompanied me to see the HILARIOUS film,

'Get Hard'.)
… The COMEDIC-movie--AND the GREAT company REALLY "brought-UP my spirits"!

(… I THINK this quote--ORIGINALLY by/from Ralph Marston--was in the film:

"SUCCESS is a 'way of LIFE'."

(… That's SEMI-related to the saying:
"If you can 'TALK the TALK', then let's see you 'WALK the WALK'.")
… VERY soon, I WILL!


(I'm UBER-tired!)


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