Saturday, April 18, 2015

(SONG) "Don't YOU … FORGET about ME."

… (SONG continued:)
"DON'T.  DON'T.  DON'T.  DON'T!"

-- … So, APPARENTLY, I did SOMETHING … CORRECTLY/ADMIRABLY during my "ALMOST 16 years" of "martial arts"-training PRE-accident.  EVERY student--EVEN those whoM I do NOT know--respects my output/advice.

-- … F.Y.I.: I BEGAN my "martial arts"-studies on September 8, 1992.  If my INFAMOUS/NOTORIOUS/CATASTROPHIC/DEVASTATING/HEARTBREAKING/
CATACLYSMIC/TRAUMATIC/LIFE-ALTERING (-RUINING) car-accident was on July 6, 2008, that's

(MENTAL-calculator NOISE)
(… I'm "OLD-SCHOOL" … like a ROTARY-phone.)

5,780 DAYS of EXEMPLARY, "STAND-UP/-OUT" "behavior, ACTIONS & techniques in self-defense.

-- I REALLY LIKE that my MOM acquired the "ON-DEMAND"-function for EACH of the FIVE televisions--& remotes--in my home.
(… THAT way I can focus ALL of my ENERGY & CONCENTRATION on my "RECOVERY".)

-- (WARNING) WHEW!  My (INTERNAL, EXCRETORY) "mind"/"system" can ALSO "tell"/"read"/"SENSE" time.  I "squeezed one -OUT" last "PREvening" in preparation for my "martial arts"-"WORK" demonstrating MY 'jiujitsu'-techniques on the mat.

-- (WARNING) "JUST to keep me 'GUESSING'/'ON my (METAPHORICAL) TOES, I "evacuated my bowels" yet AGAIN at ~8:30 this morning.

-- … With the combination of my 'jiujitsu'-demonstration & my HYPER-active EXCRETORY system … AND my CONSTANT-rounds of DAILY-activities, I could LEGITIMATELY quote the LATE Robin Williams, as the Genie in the CLASSIC (animated) film 'Aladdin':
(… Only, I'd CLEVERLY use the homonym "exErcise" for "exOrcise".)

-- I so, so, SSSOOO enjoy GIVING-out my "little pearls-of-WISDOM" to any/ALL who seek it--whether they be about MATH or HEALTH or MARTIAL ARTS or SPORTS or FINANCES.

-- What a TERRIFIC feeling of APPRECIATION & ADMIRATION I received from the ADULTS' class today for my THREE 'Jiujitsu'-techniques!
((… The group was ~46.15% (6/13) BLACK belts.))

-- NOT all understand my "off-the-wall" (LOGICAL) thinking.
Ah, ''c'est la vie''.
--Morpheus, 'The Matrix Reloaded')

-- My MATH-tutEE--CONFUSEDLY/BEWILDEREDLY/CONFOUNDEDLY--asks ME, as we go over MY math-review:
"HOW did you GET that?!"
ME: "I KNOW this, because it is my PURPOSE.  … I KNOW, because I HAFTA know."
(--Serafin, 'The Matrix Revolutions')

-- "I can see that you're 'filled' with DOUBT … CLOUDED with 'UNCERTAINTY'."
(--The Architect, 'The Matrix Revolutions')

-- I KNOW I TEND to DWELL on my UNFORTUNATE/CATACLYSMIC accident.  But, as The Oracle states:
"We can-NOT 'see PAST' the decisions we doN'T understand."

-- … ENOUGH quoting 'The Matrix'-trilogy, regarding MY life, my NEW caregiver WAS having a "SOLID" day:
He--PEACEFULLY--drove me to Karate-class this LATE-morning.
He helped me maneuver INTO a nearby hotel-restrom--from my Karate-dojo--to urinate.
He's displayed an EXEMPLARY understanding of HOW I "WALK"--FROM my bed TO my toilet SIX out of SEVEN "TREKS".  (6/7 = ~85.71%)

-- … However, on ONE "WALKING-trip", he was GROSSLY-INCOMPETENT as to knowing the NEED for lights-ON & a toilet seat-UP, when I--a MALE--NEED to (STAND &) URINATE.

-- … OVERALL, if I were to GRADE his DAY-of-HELP, … I'd give him a 'B+'.
(… SSSHHH!  Y'all SHOULD know my UNFORTUNATE/INFAMOUS history with/about a 'B+'!)
(… "It's the PRINCIPLE!")

My BLOG-Creator--to/about ME:
"Do you have an opinion on EVERYTHING, … & ASSUME you're ALWAYS RIGHT?!"
(PAUSE … for effect.)
(VERY matter-of-FACTLY) "It's NOT an ASSUMPTION."
(--Leonard to Shelton, 'The Big Bang Theory')


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