Wednesday, April 29, 2015

UN-fortunately, I've made QUITE A FEW … BAD decisions/choices.

… By admitting that, I'm
"freeing my mind to do what it does BEST:
(--Dr. Shelton Cooper, 'The Big Bang Theory')

… Speaking of "AMAZING", I woke up at ~4:34 this morning, 'cuz "Nature was CALLING".  IMMEDIATELY AFTER I "WALKED" to "relieve myself"--via urine--'en "mi JUAN"'.  After my "Secretory-''Soiree''", I FINISHED devising/creating my FINAL math-TEST of ~25 questions for my "tutEE".

I only INCLUDE this event, 'cuz it's WONDERFUL-evidence that my bodily-SENSES are--FINALLY--returning!
~17 minutes AFTER completing said "Trek To Titanium 'Toilette'" ("Alliteration aside."), I felt this "internal-URGE/-RUMBLING" to try AGAIN!
SO, "long-srory --> SHORT": I SUCCESSFULLY "Deposited/Dumped the Don's Dukee" (Siiigh, MORE alliteration) … IN my TOILET.
… But, the GREAT partS were that I could (SEMI-)SMELL my "DROPPINGS"!
(… "I am NOT an 'ANIMAL'!  … I am a HUMAN-being!"
--'Elephant Man')
ALSO, my Plethora/Plentitude of Poop-Particles (A.J., STOP with the ALLITERATION!) were MOSTLY SOLID.
YAY for not NECESSARILY NEEDING "medicinal-HELP" with my SOLIDIFICATION of my "stools".

So, going BACK to "my CASCADE of SUB-par judgments", …
I'll--QUICKLY, UN-ashamedly, APOLOGETICALLY--apologize for my SUB-standard "performance(S)" & CORRECT my "strategy" for FUTURE efforts.

Thus, I "OWN-UP" to my ERRORS.
'Por ejemplo, cuando' I HIRED my PREVIOUS "Sunday-caregiver" … for THIS reason, I didN'T realize that I HAD TO inform POTENTIAL employEEs NOT to make IN-sensitive, UN-professional comments!
Even though he is/was TOTALLY/COMPLETELY at-FAULT for making ME--his BOSS--VERY UNCOMFORTABLE, I--PARTIALLY--blame MYSELF for NOT "seeing" THIS "AWKWARDNESS" earliER.

… "HINDSIGHT's 20/20."
(… CURRENTLY, I can-NOT smell … AT ALL!)
HIM: "Perhaps I should've said ''I'm STRAIGHT.'' Then, I'd hold up a BIG 'SARCASM'-sign!"
ME: (SOCKED & EXASPERATED) "You have a 'SARCASM'-sign?!"
(--Sheldon, 'The Big Bang Theory')

Now, I've NEVER had a "PROBLEM" with "members of the HOMOSEXUAL-community".
But, when a "BRAH" (= "GAY dude") "works" THAT "CLOSE" to ME while NOT telling me his "gender-preference SECRET" AND making LEWD-implications … ABOUT ME, "THAT doN'T fly!"
(… Also, I do NOT exactly "SWING THAT WAY"!)

To balance ALL this "NEGATIVE-energy", I've accomplished a--metaphorical--"TON" of EXEMPLARY/HONORABLE feats in the
ACADEMIC (high school VALEDICTORIAN & "Ivy League"-alumnus),
ATHLETIC (martial arts & wrestling),
OCCUPATIONAL (Petroleum-Distribution Engineer & "Martial Arts"-Instructor),
SOCIAL (MANY trustworthy, respectful FRIENDS)


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