Tuesday, April 21, 2015

"I guess some birds are just NOT meant to be caged."

… "Their feathers are just too beautiful."(--'The Shawshank Redemption') 
"Red" (actor, Morgan Freeman, in 'Shawshank') figuratively/metaphorically expresses how I feel about being in a wheelchair.
(... The quote is INSPIRATIONAL/MOTIVATIONAL for my "walking" in Physical Therapy.) 

"I'm back where I started--with three stacks of HIGH SOCIETY."(--'Rounders')
(… The preceding statement is A TAD BIT PRE-emptive.  But, it WILL happen.)

I GREATLY DESIRE to "FLY"--via airplane--with a FRIEND (or MULTIPLE) to visit my brother ('mi hermano') in Turkey ('Turkiye') (pronounced 'TOOR-kee-YEH').  'Tis a SPECTACULAR country!  Visitors just would DEFINITELY NEED a companion who's FAMILIAR with the LANGUAGE, CULTURE & CUSTOMS (like … ME)!

THAT'll go on my "BUCKET-List":
"Travel to Turkey--with friend(S)--to visit my brother … for only a SHORT visit!

"Ask, & you SHALL receive."  (Part I)
DESPITE my CONTINUING improvements/progress, I asked my psycho-neurologist IF she COULD "see me" more FREQUENTLY than ONCE-a-MONTH.  
I appreciate the "meetings" as an opportunity for me to "show-OFF" my CONTINUING progress (in "WALKING" & SPEAKING), share/tell my NUMEROUS "tales", and "VENT" my--SEEMINGLY--"ENDLESS" issues/problems.

(Part II)
I emailed a couple friends to find-out IF they'd--EVENTUALLY--wanna JOIN ME in a MINI-vacation to visit my brother … in TURKEY.
… I'm "on the edge of my seat", 'cuz I have YET to receive a RESPONSE.

'Tis QUITE/VERY ODD that/how I can remember SOME things--like MATH, FOREIGN LANGUAGES, PROPER GRAMMAR, SPORTS-trivia & MANY other VARIOUS topics.  While MANY OTHER areas/memories, I doN'T recall at'ALL.  
(… Since I have MANY different "awards" in my bedroom, APPARENTLY I WAS very skilled at/in NUMEROUS areas/subjects.)


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