Monday, June 29, 2015

"I DO have FAITH … just, … in things that are REAL."

… (--Walter O'Brien, about religion, 'Scorpion')

So, my "LATE"-father/"BEST friend"(--MY valedictory)/"MATH- & COOKING-inspiration" was an ATHEIST.
(… 'Twas NOT his "STYLE".)
He merely INSPIRED ME to ALWAYS-QUESTION the popular-opinion.
AND, one MUST HAVE documented-PROOF/-EVIDENCE to SUBSTANTIATE one's argument.)

… Thus, I really WANT/NEED some "OUTSIDE-HELP" to BOLSTER to further EDIFY MY SELF-confidence during my STRUGGLE/"BATTLE" to "FULLY-recuperate".
… Ergo, I appreciate/want/NEED visitors/guests AT my house … to witness my STUPENDOUS "acts of REHABILITATION".
(… Is it so WRONG that I--a "T.B.I."-victim--LIKE TO "show-off" for people I doN'T see EVERYDAY?!)

So, I watched only SOME of 'Saw 2' today (I had Speech-Therapy.), & the VILLAINOUS-character JIGSAW got me THINKIN' … thanks to some of his quotes:

"LIVE or DIE … Make your CHOICE."
(… My IRON-WILL  greatly influences my DETERMINATION to "press-ON" THROUGHOUT my "rehabilitation" … IN SPITE OF my MANY "obstacles"/"hurdles".)
((… My CURRENT housemate to ME: (SIGH) "You're getting awfully-FRUSTRATED, A.J.  Maybe you just need some HELP.  'You MUST be able to see it, Mr. (Kaynatma).  You must KNOW it by NOW.  You caN'T win.  It's POINTLESS to keep fighting.  Why, Mr. (Kaynatma)?  WHY?  WHY do you PER-SIST?!'"
(--'The Matrix Revolutions')

"Most people are so UN-grateful to be ALIVE."
(… EVERYDAY-capabilities/-requirements--like STANDING, WALKING, TALKING, EATING &/or DRINKING--are TOTALLY UN-appreciated 'til they're GONE!)

"You'd be surprised what 'tools' can SAVE a LIFE."
((… My doctorS said: "(I'm) VERY MUCH (SEMI-)functioning … & NOT a 'VEGETABLE', 'cuz of (MY) AMAZING MENTAL-strength."))

"When you are in 'HELL', only the 'DEVIL' can help you OUT."
((… During MY ~4-YEAR STAY at "F.I.N.R." (Florida Institute of Neurologic Rehabilitation), FINALLY realized its/their INEPTITUDE … by ADMITTING that I had become "WAY TOO ADVANCED" for its/their facility.))

"When you're good at ANTICIPATING the" (INTELLIGENT) "human mind, you leave NOTHING to CHANCE."
(… As I am QUITE 'inteligente', I do NOT believe in COINCIDENCE.)

"Verify your SELF-'worth' through COMMITMENT."
((… UN-like the American government, I caN'T/shaN'T put a $-# (economic-number) on MY "VALUE"/"WORTH" … for I am--like just about ALL humans--truly "PRICELESS".)

"UNTIL a person is faced with DEATH, it's IMPOSSIBLE to tell whether they have what it takes to SURVIVE."
((… 2,549 DAYS/"364 WEEKS & 1 DAY" ago, I experienced a TRAUMATIC, NASTY "brush with  NEAR-death".  Since THEN, I've done ALL I can (& MORE) to RE-gain what I once HAD (& MORE)!))


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