Saturday, June 6, 2015


Well, early this afternoon one of my 'Sempai' demonstrated my TWO most RECENTLY-designed 'Jujitsu'-techniques … to the ADULTS'c lass.
He, EVEN, "threw-in" a NICE VARIATION of his" that I HAD TO "tip my hat" yo him for doing.

I'm IMMEDIATELY starting to DEVISE ANOTHER WRESTLING-style 'jujitsu'-technique.
(… "DO what you KNOW.")

My NEWEST employee--my WEEKEND-caregiver--had a NOTABLE (GOOD) day!
-- He practically-FLAWLESSLY merely WATCHED me "WALK" during my FIVE DIFFERENT "WALKS" to my toilet to urinate … AND spit … A LOT!
-- He did a STELLAR job of HELPING ME lie-down--on the mat--in 'Jujitsu'-class.
-- He followed my INSTRUCTIONS to write-on-my-board a REMINDER about my BRUNCH-making "MAN-date" tomorrow.

I MUST accept the BAD with the GOOD.  I learned a new VICE of mine.
"I CAN be FAULTED for liking koala bears TOO MUCH."
(--Sheldon Cooper, 'The Big Bang Theory')

I ENJOYED a HEARTY-laugh, when my buddy JOKINGLY-quoted Patches O'Hoolihan--from 'Dodgeball'--about my "WALKING":
"C'mon.  I get better 'RUNS' in my SHORTS."

I'm EXCITED about the brunch of TURKISH-food my housemate & I will fix/make/prepare TOMORROW.


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