Monday, June 8, 2015

"PAIN heals. Chicks dig SCARS. GLORY … lasts forever."

… --QB Shane Falco, The Replacements'

My housemate--to my "UPPER body"-trainer--about ME:
"What's it gonna TAKE … for you (TWO) to WIN this game (of 'LIFE')?"
My trainer: "HEART.  MILES & MILES of HEART."
(--Coach Jimmy McGinty, 'The Replacements')
(… I've GOT THAT!)

… Thanks to my EXTENSIVE "HARD-WORK" with my "UPPER body"-trainer, I'm REALLY gettin' ENCOURAGED by/from my GROWING LEFT-bicep!
((… NO, I doN'T (… CONSTANTLY) "FLEX & POSE" … in front of a mirror … to ADMIRE my MANLY-PHYSIQUE!))

… TODAY, I displayed some FABULOUS strength & CONTROL at my LEG-gym.
-- I "WALKED" on the "I-Step" mechanized-STEPPER on "Speed-32 (Pedal-Revolutions/Minute)" for 7.5 minutes (= 450 seconds), took a SHORT "break" (ONLY 'cuz my TRAINER RECOMMENDED it … NOT 'cuz I NEEDED it) & "STEPPED" up to "44 Rev/Min".  But, I CONTINUED TO "push my LIMIT" as I "made-it UP to '52 Rev/Min'".
-- I lied on a RAISED, CUSHIONED bench/table, & pulled a WEIGHTED (5 KG) "pull-chord" down with my INJURED/weakER LEFT-leg SLOWLY/STEADILY.
THEN, the "PULL-weight" was IN-creased to 7 kg, and I did ten MORE SLOW-reps.
-- … FINALLY, the "PULL-weight" was IN-creased to 11 kg, & I SWITCHED legs.
-- … BEFORE I SWITCHED, I--IMMEDIATELY CORRECTED the OWNER who said, "It's 11 kilograms, … OR 25 pounds."  I said, "Actually, STOP rounding!  It's 24.2 pounds."

My workout-"performance" REMINDED me of the GREAT football-announcer, John Madden, in 'The Replacements':
"You know, there's a RULE in sports:
'DoN'T do anything GREAT, if you caN'T handle the CONGRATULATIONS.'"

(… Needless to say, I TOTALLY handled ALL exercises--'NO PROBLEMA'!)


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