Sunday, June 28, 2015

… What I RECENTLY discovered about MYSELF:

Last night--during a break toward the END of my "Welcome-BACK"-Party, 
I found myself seated (OBVIOUSLY) ALONE--in my living room--after JUST winning 2 out of 3 games of "'BEIRUT'"--INSIDE.

… THEN this morning, I "ate"--via "G-tube"--my "SECOND-breakfast"(--'Hobbit') at ~8:45 am--IN my BATHROOM--after HALF of my (DAILY) MORNING-"WALK".  Thus, my nurse "fed me" in my CHAIR in my LAVATORY.  With-OUT my glasses, laptop OR television to "keep me BUSY"/DISTRACTED, I remained VERY MUCH "at a LOSS" of HOW to PREVENT EXTREME-BOREDOM.

… So, I thought of NUMBERS:
When I have nothing BETTER to do, I--SOMETIMES--count (& sum-UP) PRIME #s:
2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43 , 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71,  (UP TO & INCLUDING "the BEST #:) "73" ...

= 712 … which is DIVISIBLE by … 4 … 178 times … which is FURTHER divisible by 4 AGAIN … 44.5 times … which is divisible by 8.9 FIVE times.
(… THIS is how I spend my SPARE-/"FREE"-time.)
(… Ergo, I NEED visitors!)

… My BRAIN remains--CONSTANTLY, entirely--focused on anything/EVERYTHING "I can get my hands ON".  
PLUS, I'm VeRY creative & resourceful.  
So, although I "bitch"/complain ALOT, I RARELY actually REALLY "slip into BOREDOM".

… My mom kinda FORCED ME into NOT being … or EVEN saying "BORED".
She always claimed:
"If you're 'BORED', then your BRAIN's NOT working."


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