Friday, June 12, 2015

My PHYSICAL-"specs":

… (NO, doofuses.  I am NOT a TALL building or monument … with ALL HUMAN-esque traits.)

(… ALTHOUGH, PRE-accident my STANCES in Karate WERE FREQUENTLY complimented as being
"VERY strong, deep & balanced".)
(… IF I were to utilize a couple PLAYFUL puns, I'd describe 'em as … "MONUMENTAL" and/or "PILLAR-like".)

-- BLOOD PRESSURE: (as of this past Monday)
23 / 14
(… That's SICKLY-LOW!)
Ya see: MY "Resting heart rate" was ACTUALLY
But, MY "WEIRDO-ass" felt "a NERVOUS-tick" at the UN-recognized "Greatest Common Factor" of 5.  So, I "SIMPLIFIED" the ratio … "by force of HABIT".
Ya see:
"Blood pressure is usually expressed in terms of the systolic (maximum) pressure over diastolic (minimum) pressure and is measured in millimeters of mercury (mm Hg). It is one of the vital signs along with respiratory rate,heart rateoxygen saturation, and body temperature. Normal resting blood pressure in an adult is approximately 120/80 mm Hg."
(--'Blood pressure', Wikipedia)
(… With COUNTLESS injuries, responsibilities & just general-ISSUES to WORRY-about, HOW/WHY COULD I be so RELAXED & at-EASE?!

-- HEIGHT: (as of ~three months ago)
~5'7.3" (~67.3 inches = ~170.94 centimeters = ~1.71 meters
(… DAMN YOU, President Jimmy Carter for NOT introducing AMERICANS to the metric system!)

-- WEIGHT: (as of June 12)
~146 POUNDS (= ~66.22 KILOGRAMS)

-- "BMI" = "Body Mass Index"
~"22.9" BMI
(… "Normal"- weight-range between "UNDER-" & "OVER-")

-- "BUST":
(… Wait a TIC!  I reach-DOWN for my EXternal genitalia.
… Never mind.  "36A"--we're fine.  "PRO-ceed."--Billy, 'Billy Madison')
((… NO comment(S) about my … "CHEST-icles"!

~5.5 feet = ~65 inches = ~165 centimeters

-- VERT:
(NEGATIVE ~0.25 inches)
(… I "like to"/HAFTA use my TOES to "DIG-INTO" the ground to "ROOT"/BALANCE myself.)

I have a very-RARE "case" of "astigmatism" in which 'tis NON-congenital.
(… "Astigmatism" = A condition--in ophthalmology--in which a REFRACTIVE-ERROR of the EYE causes parallel rays of light from an EXTERNAL-source do NOT converge on a SINGLE focal-point on/in the retina.)
(… "Just 'SMILE & NOD'" regarding the "DEFINITION".)
FUNNY/STRANGE story: I actually DEVELOPED said eye-DISORDER from "MOCKING"  how my youngER brother--at MY age of ~7 years YOUNG--SIGNIFICANTLY-tilted his head to watch television.
(… The JOKE … ended up … being "on ME".  … Oh, sweet I-RONY!)
My eyesight has actually IMPROVED since my accident!  What with SO MANY OTHER senses SERIOUSLY-hampered (TASTE, SMELL, WALKING), I can NOW focus my "ATTENTION" on OTHER senses (VISION, HEARING, TOUCH).
I do NOT have my EXACT "visual-NUMBERS" … at this moment.

Wha, wha, WHAT?!
(See ABOVE.)



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