Tuesday, June 30, 2015


… (That's the German word for 'LOVE' that U.S. WOMEN's National Soccer-defender Ali Krieger has TATTOOED on her left-forearm.)

So, I was thinking CINEMATICALLY--as I USUALLY do--about my PERSISTENCE in my rehabilitation … DESPITE NUMEROUS/COUNTLESS, seemingly INEVITABLE "hurdles"/"obstacles" to OVERCOME.
My mind--almost IMMEDIATELY "jumped to" the CLASSIC "feel-GOOD" tale of
"Rocky Balboa":

-- "WHEN can I fight AGAIN?!"
(--Rocky, after a doctor goes-over his LAUNDRY-LIST of injuries)

-- My brother--to ME: "WHY do you wanna FIGHT?!"
My reply: "'Cuz I caN'T SING or DANCE."
(… ACTUALLY, I WAS in the School-Chorus in the 4th AND 5th grades.
Also, I've been known to "cut a lil' rug" out on the dance-floor … EVEN in my WHEELCHAIR!
Ask the attendants of my "10-Year High School Reunion" … AND/OR my last girlfriend!)

So, my neural-psychologist gave me the ULTIMATE-COMPLIMENT earlier today.
(… YAY!)
She COMMENDED my writing--from THIS HERE BLOG--& RECOMMENDED (… No, NOT "commended AGAIN") (… THAT would be "RE-commended.  … Alas, NO hyphen) that I inquire about "writing for a local-publication".  ERGO--THUS--THEREFORE, I'd APPRECIATE it, if anyone SUPPORTS said idea of MY REGULARLY-"producing" a publicized-"COLUMN", then PLEASE either "comment" on THIS blog-post AND/OR send an "electronic-postage" to
   altankaynatma@yahoo.com  .

-- So, I just watched the PHENOMENAL-play of the U.S. WOMEN's National soccer team. as the LOVELY-LADIES BEAT #1-Germany.
(… YAY!)
Therefore, I--JOKINGLY--compared the "German WOMEN's soccer-LOSS to the Americans" to the slogan for  'Beck's'-beer:
"The BEST of what Germans do BEST".
(… It's FUNNY, 'cuz the GERMAN soccer team--BOTH men's AND women's--are ranked #1 in the WORLD!)
(… It's NOT funny, when you hafta EXPLAIN your JOKE.  … DAMNIT, A.J.!)

(… "Fuckin' NAZIS!--Walter, 'The Big Lebowski')

… 'Twas QUITE/VERY PLEASANT to watch the World Cup-SEMIFINAL WIN with … my brother, … who was MY SOCCER-TEAMMATE for TWO (out of my FOUR) seasons in the countywide YOUTH-League.  (… I was JUST a PRE-adolescent.)


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