Wednesday, June 3, 2015

"Sometimes … ANGER can help you SURVIVE."

"So can FAITH."
(--Storm & Nightcrawler, 'X2: X-Men United')

So, I've been AWAKE--UN-fortunately--since ~6:15 am.
(  : (  )
Ya see, my SMOKE-ALARM has been--randomly--LOUDLY "beeping" (ONOMATOPOEIA) for ~6.25 HOURS. 
(~6:15 am - ~12:30 pm)
HOW/WHY did my caregiver/employEE NOT FIX it for SO LONG--~1/4 of the DAY?!
(… HOW can he do ANYTHING, while THAT's "BEEPING" for … over HALF of his SHIFT?!)

… FINALLY, after I "made a BIG-STINK" about HIS NEGLIGENCE, he "addressed the situation".
(… It turns out, that SAID alarm JUST needed a "battery-CHANGE".

… Nonetheless, within ~half-an-hour AFTER he put in NEW-batteries, I'd "gotten-OVER it".  He SEMI-"redeemed himself" by 
1) HELPING-me "WALK" to my toilet to "STAND"--MYSELF--and urinate
2) IGNORING the ringing-phone during MY urinary-secretion.

(Regarding my CATASTROPHIC, SEVERELY life-DESTROYING car-accident:)
"Do you know what it's like to THINK you know what happened but NEVER know the answer?!"
(--Allison, 'Conspiracy Theory')

… I'm gonna TRY to SEMI-QUANTIFY a GENERAL-equation for LOGICAL-"valence"--or "FEELINGS":
(… "Expression"--WITH ALL variables & digits to come … THIS WEEKEND)

Occasionally, I'll get "FRUSTRATED^Nth degree", when I--REPEATEDLY--have UN-successful attempts to MANEUVER my LEG(S)!
((… 'Por ejemplo', TODAY @ "NeuroFit 360", I--NUMEROUSLY
--tried to get the "pedal-FORCE gauge" in the "GREEN-range" on the "Isa-Flex" (I THINK that's the name!)--indicating that I was producing ALL "foot-THRUST" … to NO AVAIL.
ALAS!  I pushed/stepped hardER … AND had my trainer check the "electric-POWER cord".  
(… It wasN'T PROPERLY-"plugged in"!))

… (THAT cues my INTERNAL-monologue:)
"I have NOT 'failed'!  I've just found 10,000 ways that WON'T work."
(--Thomas Alva Edison)
(… Hence, I utilize the systems of "TRIAL & ERROR and/or "GUESS & CHECK".)

… Yes, I "TALK to MYSELF".  (… It HELPS ME "JUDGE" MY actions, 'cuz it SEEMS like the viewing comes from an "OUTSIDE-source".)

… 'Tis not ALL compliments & praise, however.  
I MUST also CRITIQUE & CHASTISE myself for any/ALL my WRONG-doings!
… "ANGER" is a display of "PASSION"!
I REALLY "CARE" to "mobilize" my legs … CORRECTLY!
But, 'tis very FRUSTRATING when my TRAINERS (@ "NeuroFit 360") tell/instruct me ONE THING/WAY, yet my LEGS do ANOTHER … if ANYTHING!  

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