Saturday, June 6, 2015

I WANT/NEED choices!

If only people would LISTEN to MY opinions!

It is a BITCH!"
(--''The Devil's Advocate'')

"You canNOT spend your whole-life feelin' SORRY about the MISTAKES you made."
(--Otter to Flounder, 'Animal House')
… We canNOT ALWAYS "bat a THOUSAND".
So, "TREASURE" your GOOD/CORRECT choices, & LEARN-FROM your IN-correct decisions.

"It's NOT BAD finding-out you doN'T have ALL the answers.  Maybe THEN, you'll start asking the RIGHT questions."
(--Erik Selvig, 'Thor')

As a "Business-OWNER/-MANAGER", I--UN-fortunately--HAFTA decide whether to "KEEP" this employEE who's "MOVING" his family ~1.5 hours AWAY.
(… The debate is even TOUGHER 'cuz he's maybe my BEST caregiver, AND he asked me for a LOAN.)

I DECIDED to blog-POST  … now … AND tonight, AFTER my Karate-class.


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