Saturday, June 13, 2015


I'm a VERY "VISUAL-learner", so I kinda NEED-to SEE a problem … in order to SOLVE it.

… 'Por ejemplo',

… RECENTLY, I was COOKING a LOVELY, POPULAR, DELICIOUS Turkish-meal--WITH my buddy--for MY mom & sister.
While "crushing some GARLIC", I "observed"/"noted" that my NOSE began to SLIGHTLY itch & my EYES began yo ever-so-SLIGHTLY water.
Now, I couldN'T "designate" the EXACT aroma.  But, the garlic OBVIOUSLY "stimulated" my OLFACTORY-sense.
(… I WANTED TO quote Ron Burgundy of 'Anchorman':
"Oooh, that's a FORMIDABLE scent.  … It's quite PUNGENT.  … It STINGS the nostrils … in a GOOD way."
(… Ergo, … YAY!)

… So, I've RECENTLY begun taking LECTURES (I'm signed-up for FOUR.) at my "graduate school"-"SEMI-alma mater".  Upon FIRST going-through the PARKING LOT, the location seemed/looked EERILY-familiar.
(… YAY!)
However, the INSIDE of the building(S) did NOT "STIMULATE"/"initiate" ANY memories/

My dojo (CURRENTLY named 'Iron Warriors Training Center') (… FORMERLY called 'South Florida Academy of Martial Arts') GREATLY "brings-back stories!
((… My FREQUENT return-trips (TWICE a week)--to help the kids--ASSIST ME in recalling WHAT I did in my TEACHING-lessons & HOW.))
(… Since I was/AM a FANTASTIC "martial artist"/'Karateka', ALMOST ALL of my tales are AWESOME!
(… If I were a bit MORE egotistical/"FULL-of MYSELF", I'd say MY "martial arts"-stories were LEGENDARY!)

I JUST--"SLOWLY, yet STEADILY--"WALKED" (at 8:27 pm) the 136 steps--ROUND-TRIP--to my toilet to urinate.
I am TRYING TO remember the "~3.5 block WALK" home from middle school that my brother & I "undertook" EVERY weekday ~17 years ago.
But, ALAS!  MY "WALKING" is RIDICULOUSLY-DIFFERENT NOW from my CAREFREE teen-days.  Therefor--Thus--Ergo--Hence--Consequently, I am UN-able to "SEE"/"VISUALIZE" the trek.

I USED TO --~six months ago--SIT either IN-BED or ON-the TOILET--WITH a urinal, whenever I HAD TO secrete some urine.  SINCE THEN, my "WALKING" & "STANDING"/LEANING have GREATLY-/SIGNIFICANTLY-IMPROVED so much that I "WALK", WHENEVER "Nature calls", … EVEN IF it's ~12:47 am … or 4:23 am!

… "As Winston Churchill said:
'Why STAND, when you can SIT?!'"
(--Elaine, 'Seinfeld')

… "NO" I say to YOU, Mr. Churchill!
"It's the PRINCIPLE!"(--ME, VISIBLY-UPSET & SEMI-pouting over a "B+" in graduate school)

The/My MANY ACADEMIC-awards on the walls of my room of just how DOMINATING/AMAZING/"KICK-ASS" STUDENT I WAS!


"You may THINK you're an idiot.  But, with ALL due-respect, I'm a NUCH BIGGER idiot ... than you could POSSIBLY imagine."
(--Jerry, 'Seinfeld')

P.S. The Turkish meal was 'menemen'--a style of TURKISH fried-eggs.


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