Thursday, June 4, 2015

The choice is up to YOU, … whether to MAKE it a GREAT day!

"Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the 

year." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

( Need a pen?)

"'HANDICAPPED' people are … ALWAYS … NICE.
(--Penny, 'The Big Bang Theory')

My ex-girlfriend's MOM--ALSO my High School Assistant-Dean--about ME: "He is UNIQUE, and BECAUSE he is unique, the world does NOT tolerate him."
((--HIGH Authoritative-figure about Bruce Banner--ME (The HULK) (,'Hulk'))

I arose/"woke-up" this morning kinda "TORN" as to "HANDLE" the NEXT pay-period.  I was GONNA give ALL my employees a SMALL-bonus--JUST 'cuz EVERYONE's been doin' a pretty-GOOD job … LATELY!
But, YESTERDAY was NOT a PRIME-example of EXEMPLARY-"behavior" for a FEW "workers".
… Ah, (SHRUG) if people CAN BE "GUILTY by association", why caN'T the REVERSE/OPPOSITE be TRUE?!
(… Oh, well.  Why NOT?!  
Said "bonus" will be SMALL.)

In my SPEECH-Therapy, the Scrabble-score was RELATIVELY-close for most of the game until … our … LAST … respective … word.  She played a "MONSTER" 42-point word.  Following THAT, my 22-point word WANTED to "bury its face in the couch & CRY".  (PERSONIFICATION) 
Now, seeing as my "Speech-THERAPIST" TRUSTS my MATH--as well she SHOULD, I did NOT alter the scores--as the "scorekeeper", even though I always COULD.
I PREFER to let her ENJOY her WELL-EARNED/-DESERVED 16-point victory.  THIS way, I can CONTINUE my day with a "LIGHT-heart", CLEAR-conscience & "SOUND-mind".

(Regarding MY "martial arts"-TALENTS/-SKILLS:)
"I've always been a guy who people ALWAYS overlooked."
(--Denver Broncos young CB Chris Harris Jr.)
… IS it because of my LONGTIME slightly SMALL-/shortER-stature?!
IS it because of my FOREIGN, often MIS-pronounced NAME?!
… REGARDLESS of WHY, I leave said NAY-sayers exclaiming, "W.T.F.?!"

… The young 'Karateka' displayed some GOOD sparring- & throwing-skills TODAY.  THUS, I HAD TO--repeatedly--"chime-in" with COMPLIMENTS for the kids.  
I am EVER SO GRATEFUL that my "martial arts"-Professor "utilizes" my PRESENCE--WITH my "DynaVox" (SPEAKING-device/-computer)--as a SIDE-"teacher".
(… He's PLANNING ON having one of his sons--BOTH my 'Sempai'--DEMONSTRATE my latest 'jiujitsu'-technique … this Saturday.)


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