Friday, June 26, 2015

"Rejection 'BLOWS'!"

"I wanna learn how to 'blow-SHIT-up' … with my MIND."
((--random STRANGE student (Abernathy) at 'S.H.I.T.', 'Accepted'))

(… "'S.H.I.T.' = 'South Harmon Institute of Technology'", 'Accepted')

… WOULD I ACTUALLY WANT THAT "power" though?!
Yes, it'd be really, really, REALLY … COOL!  But, I am WAY-TOO EMOTIONAL, & I tend to make RASH, "SPUR-of-the-MOMENT"-decisions … BASED-upon SAID emotional-UNEASINESS.
(  : (  )

(ME--to y'ALL/society:)
"I'm an EXPERT in REJECTION.  It's too bad that you judge 'US'" ("ME, MYSELF & I") "by the way 'WE'" ("The ROYAL 'We', the EDITORIAL …") LOOK & NOT by WHO we ARE.  YOU want 'US' to be MORE LIKE (y'ALL), but the TRUTH is 'we''re NOT LIKE (you)!  I am DAMN-PROUD of that (FACT)!"
(--Bartleby, 'Accepted')

"I don't have the LUXURY of 'FRIENDS'."
(--Batman, 'Batman Begins')

… "Humans REJECT what they doN'T understand."
(--Professor X, 'X Men')
(… I'm SUCH an ANOMALY/ENIGMA, that I've been QUIZZICALLY-"frowned-upon" for YEARS--even BEFORE my "T.B.I."-"LABEL"!)

P.S. "Ask me about my WIENER!"
(--Sherman Schrader, 'Accepted')


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