Friday, June 5, 2015


"A man who FEARS nothing,
LOVES nothing."
(--'First Knight')

… I FEAR TRIPPING/STUMBLING when/while I'm "WALKING", 'cuz I MIGHT/would FALL & POSSIBLY "injure"/HARM my "peg-tube".
… THIS WORRY is WHY I--TEND TO--take SMALL steps, when I "WALK" … AND, generally, take an EXTENDED-amount of time in almost-ALL tasks I--CHOOSE TO--"undertake".
(… It's "SUB-concious": I doN'T even REALIZE I'm stepping "PIGEON-toed" or my LEFT-ankle is "ROLLING" or my LEFT-hip is leaning-BACK when I "step".)
… STABILITY & SAFETY are PARAMOUNT to/in ALL my tasks/activities/deeds!
Thus, I ALWAYS check ALL aspects/dimensions/"angles" of an "EVENT" before ATTEMPTING it.
(… This is the MAIN reason WHY--SEEMINGLY--QUICK/EASY tasks take tend to take me A WHILE!)
(… PLUS, let's NOT forget that I possess ~45% of my TOTAL HAND-maneuverability/-mobility for BOTH hands.)

((… ~56%-RIGHT hand + ~34%-LEFT hand)/2 HANDS = ~90%/2 = ~45%))
((… PRIOR to my CATASTROPHIC automobile-accident (CHECK your car-tires … OFTEN!), (… During my JUNIOR-year of high school, I had TERRIBLY-BOTCHED surgery on my RIGHT-forearm.  As a result, I canNOT FULLY-open two of my RIGHT-fingers.)
… IRONICALLY, my  BEST WRESTLING-season was the FOLLOWING year--MY Senior-season!
(… I made the BEST of an UN-fortunate "PHYSICAL-handicap"!)

P.S. I am STILL "dealing with"/"adapting to"/"settling for" my "HALF-a-RIGHT hand"!

Using the LITERAL-sense of "BALLZ", my day went PARTICULARLY-WELL, 'cuz I did NOT--as has been the REPEATED UNFORTUNATE-case LATELY--SIT-UPON my testicles.
(… THIS is ESPECIALLY FRUSTRATING/PAINFUL, 'cuz/WHEN I am in my WHEELCHAIR, I caN'T really maneuver my LEGS UP & OFF said "BALLZ"!)
(… LADIES, sitting ON one's OWN testicles is like … REPEATEDLY getting punched HARD in your LOW-midsection … withOUT deeply-exhaling BEFOREHAND to LIMIT the PAIN … in the ABDOMEN!)

I--BRAVELY--practiced establishing my STANDING-balance as I "STOOD", while
SEMI-stabilizing myself with LONG sticks/poles … at "NeuroFit 360".


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