Sunday, June 7, 2015


MY mind … "is like 'Novacaine'.
Just give it TIME.  It ALWAYS works."
(--'Remember the Titans')

TIME is of "the ESSENCE."
((… After … 2,527 DAYS--OR, ~22.04% of my LIFE (2527/11017 DAYS =) of handicapped, PHYSICALLY-disabled, dependent "HELL", I think I'm ENTITLED to "BITCH & MOAN" when people "BABBLE-on" about PATIENCE.))

… My IM-patient DEMANDS kinda make me feel like that BRATTY "Veruca Salt" from OLD-SCHOOL 'Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory':
"I want a BEAN-feast!"
"I want … TODAAAAAY.  I want tah-MORROOOW.  … I want braids in my HAIR, & I doN'T wanna SHARE 'em!"
(… I wouldN'T MIND having those things.  BUT, I'd DEFINITELY … SHARE my hair-braids.)

Anyone who attempts anything is not a failure. 

Those who truly fail --in MY eyes--are the ones who never 

try at all.

( The ones who sit on the couch and whine and moan and 

wait for the world to change for them  TRULY "SUCK  at 


( What happened to the MOTIVATIONAL/morally-UPlifting 

saying about "'A' for EFFORT"?!)

(… No matter how MANY MISTAKES you make
you are still WAY-AHEAD of EVERYONE who isN'T TRYING.)

… Ergo, I APOLOGIZE Blog-CREATOR/'Star Wars'-FANATIC for LIVIDLY/FURTIVELY/ARDENTLY DIS-agreeing with the--SEEMINGLY wise--words of Jedi-Master Yoda, when he states:
"DO or do NOT.  There is no 'TRY'."


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