Thursday, March 31, 2016

"(Too-MANY) 'Martial Arts' these days have TOO-MUCH 'ART' &

... NOT-enough 'MARTIAL'."


I just HAPPENED-to "conduct a 'lavatory-TREK'"--to URINATE--at almost the EXACT-time of a song-lyric of "Weird Al"'s POPULAR-parody, 'Amish Paradise'.
... So, MY-parody of ONE-line of HIS-parody would be 

"... At 5:30 in the mornin', I'm takin' STEPS, 

As I 'WALK', I 'crunch-numbers'* like Charlie EPPES** ... FOOL!"

(ACTUAL-lyric:)"At 4:30 in the morning I'm milkin' cows
Jebediah feeds the chickens and Jacob plows... FOOL!"

-- "Do NOT let the behavior of OTHERS ... disturb YOUR inner-PEACE"

(--Dalai Lama) 
(... I can-NOT let the occasional-INCOMPETENCE of SOME of my SEVEN employees UPSET me for an EXTENDED-period of TIME.)     


I can SEMI-/QUASI-/PARTIALLY-"count cards".
(... I'd LOVE-to go to Vegas--WITH my ROMANTIC-"significant other" to "TEST" my "SKILLZ" ... someday!)

... "'Card-counting' is NOT ILLEGAL!  It's simply 'APPLYING the PROBABILITY of CERTAIN-cards appearing in a game'."

(--Dr. Larry, 'NUMB3RS')
(... Since WHEN is "MENTAL math" SO "FROWNED-upon?!)       

... "WHAT do we KNOW about 'RANDOM-Number Generation'?"  

... "It's IMPOSSIBLE for MACHINES to do."
(--Charlie & Amita, 'NUMB3RS')
((... THUS, (AUDIBLE-sigh) I am MORE 'MAN' than 'IRON'.))

-- (WARNING) So, I was LONG-"under the IMPRESSION" that MY "FREQUENT 'BOWEL-ACTIVITY'" was GOOD!  ... But, I GUESS ... 'tis ONLY to an EXTENT.  ... When I "dropped THREE 'Bowel-Bombs'" in ~23 hours, my MAIN-Nurse WARNED me of "TOO-MUCH of a GOOD-thing.  ... My FIRST-two "Excretory-EXPLOSIONS" were very-SOLID "POOP-Products".  So, she was very-HAPPY about THAT!  ... However, she HAS-to now CHASTISE my EVENING-/WEEKEND-Nurse for ALWAYS-"'feeding me' bowel-stimulant with-OUT READING my 'bowel-CHART'".  

-- "An 'ABSENCE of Proof' is NOT 'Proof of FAILURE'."

(--Amita, 'NUMB3RS')
... YES, I--SUPPOSEDLY--have a "Traumatic Brain-Injury".  But, there's NO-WAY y'ALL could-POSSIBLY know/BELIEVE that with-OUT SEEING my neural X-rays.  ... I GREATLY-appreciate that y'ALL "just TAKE my WORD(S) for it" ... that I am SIGNIFICANTLY-LIMITED in my MOSTLY-PHYSICAL capabilities!  ... MENTALLY/ACADEMICALLY/LOGICALLY/KNOWLEDGE-wise, I'm STILL a "BEAST"!   

-- "Your LIFE does-NOT get-BETTER by CHANCE.

... It gets-BETTER by CHANGE."
(--Jim Rohn)

... "Progress is impossible without change."

(--George Bernard Shaw)


(... ''C'est la vie.'')   

-- Upon looking-through my notes from/for when I was a MATH-Tutor for ... ANYONE, I found THIS "reminder" that KINDA-"displays" HOW MY-mind "operates":

... "-- multiplicative tools:
(9 -- When multiplying by a number BETWEEN 2 AND 10, the "PRODUCT" ("ANSWER to a MULTIPLICATION problem) ALWAYS follows these rules:
a) The "product"'s FIRST digit is ALWAYS 1 LESS than the NON-9 "FACTOR" ("a NUMBER being MULTIPLIED").
i. For example, 9 x "3" = 27.
  ("3" - 1 = 2, of 2 groups/bunches of 10)
b) The "SUM" of the first and second digits of the "product" ALWAYS equals 9.
i. For example, 9 x 4 = 36.
  (3 + 6 = 9)"

-- IF the "motto"/"theme"/"motif"/"GOAL" of MY rehab/recovery WERE a SONG-lyric, it'd PROBABLY be

by 'Daft Punk'.

... "I have-CHOSEN to BE HAPPY, ... because it is GOOD for my-HEALTH."

... "You want BIG-REWARDS? You've GOTTA-take BIG-RISKS."

(--'Summer Catch')
(... I ALWAYS "give 110%"--AFTER I "weigh-out" my probability of "SUCCESS".
... I "KNOW [my] LIMITS".)
(--MY "UPPER body"-trainer)

... "Yeah. That's all I have to say ... about that."
(--Forrest, 'Forrest Gump')


* = I was CALCULATING the APPROXIMATE-# of HOURS oldER than my brother I am.  
(... It's a DIFFERENCE of 
~22 MONTHS & 10 DAYS = ~681 DAYS = ~16,344 HOURS.)  

** = Charlie Eppes --> MATHEMATICIAN on a FAVORITE TV-show of MINE, 'NUMB3RS' 


Wednesday, March 30, 2016

"Wildly-Odd & Wacky" Wednesday!

... "W.O.W." = ACRONYM of MY-Wednesday

(... I doN'T RECALL ever really-KNOWING the DIFFERENCE between an "ACRONYM" & an "ANAGRAM".)

... So, I looked 'em up ... at

Acronym = "A word formed from the initial letters or groups of letters of words ina set phrase or series of words and pronounced as a separate word."
((... I.e. Members--like MYSELF--of "P.A.M.A.I." ("Professional Association of Martial Arts Instructors") COMMONLY-refer to the group as "PAM-ee".))    

Anagram = "a word, phrase, or sentence formed from another by rearranging its letters."
My housemate just strolled-into my room & showed me a clip of an old 'Simpsons'-episode--that I'd SEEN--to REMIND me that I USED-to KNOW the difference.

-- "IF you are NOT WILLING-to LEARN, NO ONE can HELP you.  

... Our life is always under construction. 
It is your "JOB" to LEARN-how to "'UN-tangle' the threads" 
and "WEAVE a 'tapestry'" that MATCHES your DESIRES.

... I LEARN MORE of/about MY "BIOPHYSICS"/"'DO's & DON'T's"/"CAN's & CAN'Ts"/"Physical-CAPABILITIES" EVERYDAY.  
... OTHERWISE, I feel I'd be "DISAPPOINTING my NERDY-glasses".

... An 'OPTIMIST' sees the OPPORTUNITY in every DIFFICULTY."
(--Sir Winston Churchill)

... On THAT-note, when I awoke from my TWO-DIFFERENT/-SEPARATE COMAS, I "conducted" a SELF-analysis: 
SHOULD I "go-ALONG with" the "DUMBASS-doctors" & "admit-DEFEAT" ALREADY 
"'aim-for a 'DISTANT'-'VICTORY' in my REHAB"?!
(... I went with choice B.) 

-- So, I watched the HILARIOUS-film, 'Multiplicity' this morning.  It got me THINKIN' ... of MY VERY-DIFFERENT PERSONALITY-aspects: 
--> "#2" =  

-- I "WHEELED-into" my OFFICE ... to "CONVERSE-with"/ANNOY my mom & MAIN-Nurse, while they ADVERTISED for my IMPENDING "NEEDED-Caregiver".

... ALSO, I sought-to "show-OFF" my AMAZING-"MENTAL math" AND STUNNING-vocabulary.  

--  ('I WILL Survive' -- Gloria Gaynor)

"At first I was afraid I was petrified

Thinking I couldn't live without you by my side
And I've been spending nights
Thinking how you did me wrong
And I grew strong
And I learned how to get alongAnd now you're back
From outer space
And I find you here with that sad look upon your face
I should have changed that stupid lock
Oh made you leave your key
If I've known for a second you'd be back to bother me
Go on now, go walk out the door
Turn around now
You're not welcome anymore
You're the one who tried to hurt me with goodbye
Do you think I'd crumble
Did you think I'd lay down and die?  

No, not I, I will survive
Long as I know how to love
I know I'll stay aliveI've got all my life to live
And all my love to give and I'll survive
I, I, I will survive

It took all my strength not to fall apart
Trying' without my mind to mend my broken heart
I spent so many nights
Feeling sorry for myself, how I cried
But now I hold my head up high
And you see me, somebody new
I'm not that lonely little person who's still in love with you
Now you come dropping in     
Expecting me to be free

Now I'm saving all my lovin' for someone who's loving me
Go on now, walk out the door
Turn around now
You're not welcome anymore
You're the one who tried to hurt me with goodbye

Think I'd might crumble
Did you think I'd lay down and die?
No, not I, I will survive
Long as I know how to love
I know I'll stay alive
I've got my life to live
And all my love to give and I'll survive
I, I, I will survive 
Go and go, walk out the door
Turn around now
You're not welcome anymore
You're the one who tried to hurt me with goodbye
Do you think I'd crumble
Did you think I'd lay down and die?
No, not I, I will survive
Long as I know how to love
I know I'll stay alive
I've got all my life to live
And all my love to give and I'll survive
I, I, I will survive
It took all my strength not to fall apart
Trying' without my mind to mend my broken heart    _______
I spent so many nights
Feeling sorry for myself, how I cried
Now I hold my head up high
And you see me, somebody new
Not that lonely little person who's still in love with you
Now you come dropping in
Expecting me to be free
but I'm saving all my lovin' for someone who's loving me
Go on and go, walk out the door
Turn around now
You're not welcome anymore
You're the one who tried to hurt me with goodbye
Think I'd might crumble
Did you think I'd lay down and die?
No, not I, I will survive
Long as I know how to love
I know I'll stay alive
I've got my life to live
And all my love to give and I'll survive
I, I, I will survive
Go on and go, walk out the door
Turn around now
You're not welcome anymore
You're the one who tried to hurt me with goodbye"
'I WILL Succeed':

"At first there were comaS, I was 'ASLEEP'.  
Knowin' I would-not LIVE with-OUT my NERVES 'run-DEEP'.
So, I've been TRYIN' oh-so HARD,
Usin' good bi-oh-fih-ZIKS,
And I made 'TRICKS'

To get ALOTTA nerve-'CLICKS'!
... Soon they'll be BACK,
From 'dormant-SLEEP'.
My injury-EEZ 'stem' from 'ISSUES oh-so DEEP'.
I should've THOUGHT-to 'shoulder-ROLL', 
Or, DOUBTED my 'rih-PAIR',
If I'd KNOWN for JUST one-second that I'd NEED a wheel-CHAIR!
Come on now, gimme a TWITCH!
Any-time NOW.
... CRAP!  I caN'T reach that stupid-ITCH.  
Nonetheless, I'll NEH-VER give up & QUIT!
My ee-GO's MUCH too-BIG.
Did you think I'll FO!REVER just-SIT?!

No, not I!  WILL Suhk-SEED!
Thanks for uh-ply-ing FIH-ZIKS!
Now I've got all I NEED.  
I've STILL-got ALL my precious-LIMBS
And my impeccable cog-NIH-SHEHN.  Sooo, 
It's taken ALL my MENTAL-'strength' NOT-to GIVE-UP!
I'm TRYIN'-to NOT just lie-around like a 'SHLUP'!
I've tried oh-so-MANY TIMES,
Cal-KYOO-LAY-ting ang-uhls, in my HEAD.
But now I'm SEEIN' my PRAH-GRESS!
I IGNORE my need-for REST!
If I WERE an annoying-BRAGGART, I'd slam my fist against my CHEST!
... But, I'm NOT.  ... So, I'll BLOG.

Now, my nerves ''WAKIN'-UP''!
Now, I'm SAVIN' all my ''WALKIN'' for when I CAN ah-ply FIH-ZIKS!
Come on, LEG-nerves!  ... Just 'wake-UP'!  ______
... Come-on, twitch NOW!
''Activity''s LONG-over-DUE!
I've been ''PUSHIN'' y'all LONG-enough ... to NO-ah-VAIL.
Think I'd just 'give-UP'?!
Do y'ALL think I'll SIT-down & POUT?!
No, not I!  WILL Suhk-SEED!
Long as I have-GOT the 'DRIVE',
I've got ALL my 'knowing-LIMBS'
And MUCH of my 'NAW-lehj'.  So, I'll suk-SEED!

LEG-nerves, GO!  'Wake-UP' & TWITCH!
'Suh-port me' NOW!
There's NO 'DEAD-nerves' any-MORE!
I woN'T LET y'all 'relax' so-MUCH all the TIME!"


-- There's NOTHING quite as "INTENSE" as the MOMENT-of-CLARITY, when you suddenly-"SEE" what's really-POSSIBLE for you.

...    "The MORE-CLARITY you have about ... 
WHAT you WANT and WHERE you're GOING,
the LESS-TIME you spend in getting there."
(--Speaker UNKNOWN)

... How do you "BUILD CONFIDENCE?!
... By DOING what you FEAR-MOST.

(... In MY-case, THAT'd be ... "WALKING" with-OUT the SUPPORT of my walker.)     


Tuesday, March 29, 2016


-- If you can do THAT, you can make--almost--ANYTHING happen.

... F.Y.I.: I have AMAZING-determination, "UN-deniable" WILL-power & UN-tiring persistence.

-- I had my "UPPER body"-workout--as I do EVERY Tuesday.
When I woke-UP in the A.M., my NECK & BACK felt MUCH-BETTER than USUAL!  ... I noted THIS to my TRAINER & THANKED him for his GREAT-stretches with/on me.

... I have NOTICEABLE INCREASED-flexibility!  
... In ADDITION-to my UPPER-"trunk" MOBILITY, I acted-out
--for the SECOND-CONSECUTIVE workout--a "FINGER-stretching, MANUAL-maneuvering, MARBLE-transferring"-technique with my LEFT-hand.
... 'Tis VERY-HELPFUL!  
... NEXT week, my trainer & I AGREED that I could-be TIMED, ... 'cuz my trainer said that I was noticeably-SPEEDY!

-- Since I KNOW "magic" does-NOT exist, I also-KNOW that "prestidigitation" is MERELY "PHYSICS", "ANGLE-manipulation" & DISTRACTIONS.  
But, it got me THINKIN':
COULD I "perform" some "legerdemain" ... with my LEGS?!

-- "What makes me a 'FIGHTER' is my ''DRIVE'-to-'WIN''."
(... I WAS actually-TRAINING to be a UFC-fighter ... at the TIME of my ACCIDENT.)
(... I was DAMN-GOOD!)    

-- "FOCUS-on 'where' you WANT-to 'GO', ... NOT on what you FEAR."
(--Tony Robbins)

... You MISS 100% of the OPPORTUNITIES you doN'T TAKE.

-- So, my housemate, his dad & I played a VERY-PLEASANT game of "'beirut'"/"beer pong" in my living room at ~9:00 pm.
(... It's ALL-ANGLES!)

... "The BEST-way to 'FIND-yourself' is to 'LOSE-yourself' in the service of OTHERS."
(--Mahatma Gandhi)

... I've GOTTA-"CELEBRATE" the TURKISH National SOCCER-team's TWO big-victories ... THIS week:
2-1 over Sweden & 2-1 over Austria.

-- "You can't 'outwit' FATE by 'standing on the SIDE-lines, placing little side bets' about the 'outcome of LIFE'.  Either you wade in and risk everything you have to play the game or you don't play at all.  And, if you don't play u can't 'WIN'. 
(--Judith McNaught)

... I've GOTTA-CLARIFY my responses to my "NeuralPsychoTherapist's HYPOTHETICAL-inquiries:
--> To the question of WHETHER I think I'm "SUCCESSFUL".  My reply was "SEMI-..."  I MIS-understood. 
... She INTERRUPTED MY-response as that I think I am ONLY "SEMI-successful".   ... Ha ha HA!  With ALL I've ACCOMPLISHED ... ESPECIALLY-/PARTICULARLY-since ... July 6th, 2008, ... is really QUITE "NOTEWORTHY", COMMENDABLE & INSPIRING!  I MEANT that I was "SEMI-content"/-happy ... with MY CURRENT-level/-degree of "SOCIAL-accomplishment".  ... MAINLY, I'm JUST NOT-happy with my "ROMANTIC-activity" ... or LACK-thereof.


"WIT" HAS/NEEDS no "BED-Time"!

Okay, I was JUST-DISTURBED from HEAVY, "SSSOUND"* "Z"s by "an URGENT-call from Mother Nature". 

1) My "SMALL-steps"/"SHORT-gait" are DEFINITELY-MORE an "ISSUE of "FATIGUE" RATHER-than "Psychological-ENCERTAINTY".**
2) I'm "SLOWLY yet STEADILY" "DISCARDING" my NEED-to STARE DOWN ... at my FEET, ... as I "WALK", in-order-to DE-crease my "'PIGEON-TOE'edness".  
3) My "NIGHT-Caregiver" is FINALLY listening-to "HIS BOSS's"/MY RECOMMENDATIONS & "EARNING his KEEP".

(... Overall -- YAY!)

* = Pun IN-tended. 
(... If there were EASY- & INEXPENSIVE-ways to CONDUCT a "TEST", I wouldN'T be-SURPRISED to LEARN I was JUST SNORING!)

** = I'm SURE there are SOME "PSYCHOLOGIC-factors", ... as there ARE in ALL human-UNDERTAKINGS.  I'm JUST-sayin' that my MAIN-"impetus" IS/was "TIREDNESS".


Monday, March 28, 2016

I ... MISS ... that!

-- My housemate asked me this morning:
"Whacha doin' today?"
My reply: "NOTHIN'."
"You did that YESTERDAY", he retorted.  
HIM--to ME: "I doN'T UNDERSTAND YOUR specific-KIND of 'CRAZY'.  But, I DO-admire your TOTAL-COMMITMENT TO it."
ME: "'BEAUTY''s in the eye of the BEHOLDER."

-- MY life SEEMS-to be "chock-FULL of" AMBI-valism.  

... E,g. EARLY this morning (at ~4:30 am EST), "NATURE called".  UN-fortunately, I HAD-to/(ADAMANTLY) "CHOSE"-to "WALK" 'a mi banyo' ... to "RELIEVE-myself of URGENT-'URINARY-tension'".  My EXTREME-fatigue TRIED-to "CONVINCE-me" to "take the EASY-way OUT" & "travel-TO" '"mi JUAN"' via my toilet-chair.  ... But, my PRIDE "PREVAILED".

... I WAS SLIGHTLY-hesitant about going-OUT/-BACK to SCHOOL to do some ACADEMIC-"work".  BUT, after my "meeting" with the "Student-PRIVILEGES"-Advisor, I'm--now

--actually "VERY MUCH"-"looking-FORWARD" to CLASS!
(... It turns-OUT that "Nova Southeastern University" STILL has MY 21 "Credit-hours of a 3.82 GPA for an MBA in 'Entrepreneurship" on-FILE.  So, ... SWEEEET!)            

... I organized, assigned & PAID-for my BI-weekly* Payroll ... for my ... SEVEN employees ... with the ASSISTANCE of my MAIN-Nurse. 

(... I DO "very-MUCH"-APPRECIATE ALL the HELP my ASSORTED-"workers" PROVIDE.  ... HOWEVER, at the SAME-time, I caN'T LIE, 'tIS nice to have ALOTTA-$ for MYSELF.)


(... I STRONGLY-believe that ... WHILE "TREKKING"/"BATTLING" DURING the "JOURNEY", one MAINLY-focuses on the ULTIMATE-GOAL--the "DESTINATION".  ... However, once one "REACHES" the "DESTINATION", one REFLECTS on the "hurdles"/"obstacles" OVERCOME, one "HIGHLIGHTS" the MOMENTOUS-"steps" along the "JOURNEY".)
((... I.e. NOW, 'tis ALL-about "my WALKING".  ... ONCE it happens, (... It WILL!) I'll CHERISH my FEATS along the way.))         

-- SSSHHH!  The ONLY thing quietER than "SILENCE" is/WAS the "SOUND" of my USED-to being ... SNEAKY.

(... Who-ELSE could LEGENDARILY "HIDE" in a teacher's "AIR CONDITIONING"-unit in eleventh-grade for ~20 minutes, & hop-OUT ... to be an ASS?!)     


(... My OBSCENELY- & METAPHORICALLY-LOUD "KICKASS-ness" was "DULLED" while "in HIDING".)       

-- "'CURIOSITY' WON'T brake for CATS, ... 

but WILL brake for SCIENTISTS."
(--Dr. Larry, 'NUMB3RS')(... "I'm a SCIENTIST."  ... I'm gonna print THAT-message as a "license plate" for my wheelchair ... for ALL the BAD-drivers near Karate-class in downtown-Hollywood.)
(... 'Tis WEIRD "where"/"in WHAT" people place their CARE and/or REGARD.)     

... "When everyone is thinking ALIKE, NO-ONE is 'THINKING'." 

--Benjamin Franklin (... RATHER-than "JUST-goin' with the FLOW", I PREFER-to "think OUTSIDE the box".  ... Hey, SOMEONE's gotta-be DIFFERENT.  ... I "VERY-much" AM IM-practically PRACTICAL!)  

... "Every thought, feeling and action, either moves us towards our ideal life or away from it. Awareness of which direction these processes are moving us allows us more freedom, flexibility and empowered confidence to alter them in a proactive, life affirming way and create a new positive direction in our lives."

(... 'Tis NOT-ALWAYS OBVIOUS that I'm acting-RATIONALLY/-BENEFICIALLY.  ... But, "there's a METHOD to my 'MADNESS'.")      

-- "For PEACE-of-MIND, resign as general manager of the Universe. Having clarity about what is withIN our CONTROL and what is NOT, goes a long way to REDUCE or PREVENT STRESS & ANXIETY, when we expect or demand that others and the world should or must look or be a certain way in order for us to be CONTENT."(--UNKNOWN)

(... SOME people are not-ONLY ... DUMB ... but also ... too-STUBBORN to ADMIT MISTAKES.)       

... "I feel like I had to have that failure in order to succeed and be where I want to be. I'd never failed before. I didn't know how to make myself better."

(--Minnesota Twins' NEW Starting Center Fielder, Byron Buxton, on his STRUGGLES/FAILURES the previous season)
(... In a SICKENINGLY-OBTUSE way, MY accident & injurIES have "HELPED me" become MORE-UNDERSTANDING ... & creative.)        

... After COMPLIMENTING my "COMMITMENT"-to crunches, my SPEECH-Therapist PLEASANTLY-surprised me by noting that THOSE "'CORE'-exercises WILL also help my BREATHING & SPEAKING!

... Also, I ATE my USUAL-"TWO eggs" ... RAPIDLY!
(... STRANGELY, I do-NOT "get INDIGESTION" from EATING so-QUICKLY, 'cuz MY "gastric-INNARDS" are in such-"DISARRAY", ... that MY "nutritional-INPUT" BYPASSES the "DIRECT-entrance" TO my STOMACH".)     .

-- ALAS!  I've GOTTA-"prep" for my "NeuralPsychoTherapy"-session ... to discuss "'The Days of OUR Lives'". 

(... "OUR Lives" = THOSE Everyday-events of ME, MYSELF & I)

... "People often DISMISS what they doN'T UNDERSTAND."

(--Sylvester, 'Scorpion')
(... So, THANKFULLY, ... my "NeuralPsychoTherapist" has not--YET--"DISMISSED" me as ... "one CRAZY S.O.B.".)

(... YET!)


* = ONCE every-OTHER week


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