Monday, March 28, 2016

I ... MISS ... that!

-- My housemate asked me this morning:
"Whacha doin' today?"
My reply: "NOTHIN'."
"You did that YESTERDAY", he retorted.  
HIM--to ME: "I doN'T UNDERSTAND YOUR specific-KIND of 'CRAZY'.  But, I DO-admire your TOTAL-COMMITMENT TO it."
ME: "'BEAUTY''s in the eye of the BEHOLDER."

-- MY life SEEMS-to be "chock-FULL of" AMBI-valism.  

... E,g. EARLY this morning (at ~4:30 am EST), "NATURE called".  UN-fortunately, I HAD-to/(ADAMANTLY) "CHOSE"-to "WALK" 'a mi banyo' ... to "RELIEVE-myself of URGENT-'URINARY-tension'".  My EXTREME-fatigue TRIED-to "CONVINCE-me" to "take the EASY-way OUT" & "travel-TO" '"mi JUAN"' via my toilet-chair.  ... But, my PRIDE "PREVAILED".

... I WAS SLIGHTLY-hesitant about going-OUT/-BACK to SCHOOL to do some ACADEMIC-"work".  BUT, after my "meeting" with the "Student-PRIVILEGES"-Advisor, I'm--now

--actually "VERY MUCH"-"looking-FORWARD" to CLASS!
(... It turns-OUT that "Nova Southeastern University" STILL has MY 21 "Credit-hours of a 3.82 GPA for an MBA in 'Entrepreneurship" on-FILE.  So, ... SWEEEET!)            

... I organized, assigned & PAID-for my BI-weekly* Payroll ... for my ... SEVEN employees ... with the ASSISTANCE of my MAIN-Nurse. 

(... I DO "very-MUCH"-APPRECIATE ALL the HELP my ASSORTED-"workers" PROVIDE.  ... HOWEVER, at the SAME-time, I caN'T LIE, 'tIS nice to have ALOTTA-$ for MYSELF.)


(... I STRONGLY-believe that ... WHILE "TREKKING"/"BATTLING" DURING the "JOURNEY", one MAINLY-focuses on the ULTIMATE-GOAL--the "DESTINATION".  ... However, once one "REACHES" the "DESTINATION", one REFLECTS on the "hurdles"/"obstacles" OVERCOME, one "HIGHLIGHTS" the MOMENTOUS-"steps" along the "JOURNEY".)
((... I.e. NOW, 'tis ALL-about "my WALKING".  ... ONCE it happens, (... It WILL!) I'll CHERISH my FEATS along the way.))         

-- SSSHHH!  The ONLY thing quietER than "SILENCE" is/WAS the "SOUND" of my USED-to being ... SNEAKY.

(... Who-ELSE could LEGENDARILY "HIDE" in a teacher's "AIR CONDITIONING"-unit in eleventh-grade for ~20 minutes, & hop-OUT ... to be an ASS?!)     


(... My OBSCENELY- & METAPHORICALLY-LOUD "KICKASS-ness" was "DULLED" while "in HIDING".)       

-- "'CURIOSITY' WON'T brake for CATS, ... 

but WILL brake for SCIENTISTS."
(--Dr. Larry, 'NUMB3RS')(... "I'm a SCIENTIST."  ... I'm gonna print THAT-message as a "license plate" for my wheelchair ... for ALL the BAD-drivers near Karate-class in downtown-Hollywood.)
(... 'Tis WEIRD "where"/"in WHAT" people place their CARE and/or REGARD.)     

... "When everyone is thinking ALIKE, NO-ONE is 'THINKING'." 

--Benjamin Franklin (... RATHER-than "JUST-goin' with the FLOW", I PREFER-to "think OUTSIDE the box".  ... Hey, SOMEONE's gotta-be DIFFERENT.  ... I "VERY-much" AM IM-practically PRACTICAL!)  

... "Every thought, feeling and action, either moves us towards our ideal life or away from it. Awareness of which direction these processes are moving us allows us more freedom, flexibility and empowered confidence to alter them in a proactive, life affirming way and create a new positive direction in our lives."

(... 'Tis NOT-ALWAYS OBVIOUS that I'm acting-RATIONALLY/-BENEFICIALLY.  ... But, "there's a METHOD to my 'MADNESS'.")      

-- "For PEACE-of-MIND, resign as general manager of the Universe. Having clarity about what is withIN our CONTROL and what is NOT, goes a long way to REDUCE or PREVENT STRESS & ANXIETY, when we expect or demand that others and the world should or must look or be a certain way in order for us to be CONTENT."(--UNKNOWN)

(... SOME people are not-ONLY ... DUMB ... but also ... too-STUBBORN to ADMIT MISTAKES.)       

... "I feel like I had to have that failure in order to succeed and be where I want to be. I'd never failed before. I didn't know how to make myself better."

(--Minnesota Twins' NEW Starting Center Fielder, Byron Buxton, on his STRUGGLES/FAILURES the previous season)
(... In a SICKENINGLY-OBTUSE way, MY accident & injurIES have "HELPED me" become MORE-UNDERSTANDING ... & creative.)        

... After COMPLIMENTING my "COMMITMENT"-to crunches, my SPEECH-Therapist PLEASANTLY-surprised me by noting that THOSE "'CORE'-exercises WILL also help my BREATHING & SPEAKING!

... Also, I ATE my USUAL-"TWO eggs" ... RAPIDLY!
(... STRANGELY, I do-NOT "get INDIGESTION" from EATING so-QUICKLY, 'cuz MY "gastric-INNARDS" are in such-"DISARRAY", ... that MY "nutritional-INPUT" BYPASSES the "DIRECT-entrance" TO my STOMACH".)     .

-- ALAS!  I've GOTTA-"prep" for my "NeuralPsychoTherapy"-session ... to discuss "'The Days of OUR Lives'". 

(... "OUR Lives" = THOSE Everyday-events of ME, MYSELF & I)

... "People often DISMISS what they doN'T UNDERSTAND."

(--Sylvester, 'Scorpion')
(... So, THANKFULLY, ... my "NeuralPsychoTherapist" has not--YET--"DISMISSED" me as ... "one CRAZY S.O.B.".)

(... YET!)


* = ONCE every-OTHER week


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