Friday, March 11, 2016

"I wear MANY 'hats'."

AGAIN, I speak "METAPHORICALLY", 'cuz ... personally/LITERALLY, I'm not a "YUUUJE"(--Trump) fan of the "BRIMMED cranial-coverings".  I WILL-wear 'em ... when I HAVE-to.  ... But, I've ALREADY been-told I have a "BIG head"*.  But, since my glasses TINT ... by-THEMSELVES ... I LACK the motivation to CONSTANTLY-adjest a "STYLISH shade-PRODUCER 'por mi cabeza'". 

-- In a way, "I am a JACK of [NUMEROUS] trades, but a MASTER of [only-SOME]."
MY "areaS of EXPERTISE":

--> SPORTS-trivia
--> CINEMATIC-quotes
--> BIOPHYSICAL-applications
-- "MARTIAL ARTS"-"FUN-damentals"
-- "Personal-FITNESS & -NUTRITION Supervisor" 
(... For ~SIX YEARS, I HELPFULLY-"monitored" my EX-girlfriend's FITNESS-levelS.)

-- "SEE me.
... SEE me.
... SEE me.
... DoN'T STARE at me [... with-OUT talking-TO me].
... SEE me ... to KNOW that [a "Traumatic Brain-Injury"] is just something I HAVE & NOT-contagious.
... SEE me ... to KNOW that I will NOT-stop, 'til I find something that WORKS.
... SEE me ... 'ON my WAY'."
(--INSPIRING-commercial for 'Cosentyx')
(... 'Tis UBER-AGGRAVATING, when people IGNORE or AVOID me, ... JUST-'cuz I'm "DIFFERENT"!)         

-- My EX-girlfriend--to ME:
"If you were a PORN STAR, what would your name be?"
ME--with-OUT hesitation: "'Sir Cum Frenz**', ... 'cuz I'm EXTRAORDINARY at ... MATH ... & FOREIGN."
(... Since I'd be "KNIGHTED"--as a "Sir", I'd HAFTA-act REGAL ... with CONSTANT-bows.)          

-- After my TWO--DISTINCT/SEPARATE comas, 
"I 'came-BACK' with a newfound-appreciation of what's IMPORTANT ... TIME."
(... The GREAT Stephen Hawking wrote about the IMPORTANCE of "TIME".  ... Ergo, WHY are HANDICAPPED-GENIUSES so OBSESSED with "TIME"?!)        

-- In the ABSENCE-of my SPEECH-Therapist this week, my MAIN-Nurse & I are TRYING-to AVOID-using my letter-board & MY-speaking MORE. 
(... THUS-FAR, ALL-messages have-been UNDERSTOOD.)

-- SEMI-/QUASI-/KINDA-SADLY, I've become a bit ANTI-social, ... JUST 'cuz I LIKE-to watch the "BOOB-TUBE"*** AND/OR films.
(... I mentioned this "HOBBY" of MINE, 'cuz there was a GLORIOUS SEBEN-hour "MARATHON" of the 'NUMB3RS'-show today!  ... I MISSED the last ~2.5 episodes, 'cuz of my "GYM-commitment".)

-- I researched some STOCKS & added SEVERAL (... 8) MORE stocks to my "HYPOTHETICAL 'Stock Portfolio'".
(... I was ENCOURAGED, 'cuz my "ECONOMIC-Team" said ... THUS-FAR, my PREVIOUS-stocks "look GOOD"!)

* = MORE "METAPHORICAL"-gibberish ... for "OVERly-CONFIDENT & SELF-ASSured" 

** = "Sir CUM Frenz" = "Circumference" --> "'the OUTER-boundary'--or 'PERIMETER' of a CIRCULAR-area" 

*** = 'Tis "television" NOT "pornography"!


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