Thursday, March 10, 2016

"'ROLL' WITH the the 'PUNCHES'."

SOMETIMES, people & things "IGNORE" "probability AND statistics" to generate an "UN-likely result".
(... SOMETIMES, 'tis JUST a matter of "'SHIT' happens."
I.e. MY car accident)      

-- TODAY--like USUAL "Thursdays", I JUST have "Karate-class" on my AGENDA.

-- ... I have FURTHER-details about my "'WALKING'-gait HYPOTHESIS":
It turns-OUT that SOME of my "gait" MAY-be KINDA-/ SORTA-"PRESSURED-by" my Caregiver's attention ... or LACK-thereof.  ... My Thursday DAY-Caregiver was JUST "SEMI-tugging" on the back o' mi shirt, AS I "WALKED" FROM mi bed TO mi bathroom-sink.  As a DIRECT-result of his LITERAL "HOLDING me BACK", SOME of my steps were SLIGHTLY-shortER.
(... So, 'tis SEMI-psychological.)

-- "“I’m a [VERY-WEIRD guy] thrust into extraordinary circumstances, just like [ Star Wars character] Rey [only MALE]. I will not [apologize] for how I look, what I say and how I live my life … and I am striving to be the best version of myself, even [WHEN] I stumble along the way.”
(--actress Daisy Ridley, of 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens', on CRITICISM of her APPEARANCE)
(... CURRENTLY, I MAY-not LOOK-like MUCH--"SPELLING-out" words with my letter-board, while "NESTLED" in my WHEELCHAIR, ... but "LOOKS can be DECEIVING."  ... Just talk-TO me, & I'll ASTOUND you my BIOMEDICAL-"KNOW-HOW", WITTY-HUMOR & "MENTAL MATH"-MAGIC.)      

-- "Something that 'does-NOT repeat' ... is NOT-necessarily 'RANDOM'."
(... Something may be "UN-harmonious in principles and/or conduct" AND/OR "at VARIANCE"*.  How 'bout the SEEMINGLY-contradictory phrase, "consistently IN-consistent"?!)

-- "You MISS 100% of the 'shots' you doN'T TAKE."
(--USWNST midfielder Becky Sauerbrunn)
((... Well, since I no-longER play SOCCER (HARUMPF!), I'll just-HAFTA interpret this METAPHORICALLY.  ... In OTHER-words: Take CHANCES.)  

'Forever In Blue Jeans'

(by Neil Diamond)

"Money talks

But it don't sing and dance

And it don't walk

And long as I can have you

Here with me, I'd much rather be
Forever in blue jeans

Honey's sweet
But it ain't nothin' next to baby's treat
And if you pardon me
I'd like to say
We'll do okay
Forever in blue jeans

Maybe tonight
Maybe tonight, by the fire
All alone you and I
Nothing around
But the sound of my heart
And your sighs

Money talks
But it can't sing and dance
And it can't walk
And long as I can have you
Here with me, I'd much rather be
Forever in blue jeans, babe

And honey's sweet
But it ain't nothin' next to baby's treat
And if you pardon me I'd like to say
We'll do okay
Forever in blue jeans

Maybe tonight
Maybe tonight, by the fire
All alone you and I
Nothing around
But the sound of my heart
And your sighs

                                        Money talks

But it can't sing and dance

And it can't walk

And long as I can have you
Here with me
I'd much rather be
Forever in blue jeans

And if you pardon me
I'd like to say
We'll do okay
Forever in blue jeans, babe
And long as I can have you
Here with me I'd much rather be
Forever in blue jeans, babe"

(... MY version: 
"Forever a Black Belt'
(... In honor of CLASS TODAY)

"My legs SUCK,
'Cuz they doN'T stand or WALK,
And they doN'T KICK.
 But, as long as I have that 'inner-DRIVE'
To TEACH the kids, I'll ALWAYS-BE
'Forever a Black BELT'!

Guns'll WORK.
But, they aiN'T NUTHIN' next-to my STRONG-LEGS!
So, if you 'hear-me-OUT',
That 'SELF-doubt' RIDS.
'Forever a Black BELT'.

Maybe with ... 'OOMPF'.
Maybe with 'OOMPF', while I 'WALK'.
I 'TREK' with staff at my GYM.
Ohn-EE suh-PORT
Much OP-tih-MIZ-uhm THERE
And good-HELP.

My legs SUCK,
'Cuz they doN'T stand or WALK,
And they caN'T KICK.
 But, as long as I have that 'inner-DRIVE'
To TEACH the kids, I'll ALWAYS-BE
'Forever a Black BELT', CLASS!

Soooo, my legs are STRONG!
But, they've been CHAIR-BOUND for way TOO-LONG!
 Just be PATIENT with me & 'hear my MIND'.
We'll be FINE.

Maybe with ... 'OOMPF'.
Maybe with 'OOMPF', while I 'WALK'.
I 'TREK' with staff at my GYM.
Ohn-EE suh-PORT
Much OP-tih-MIZ-uhm THERE
And good-HELP.

My legs SUCK,
'Cuz they doN'T stand or WALK,
And they doN'T KICK.
 But, as long as I have that 'inner-DRIVE'
To TEACH the kids, I'll ALWAYS-BE
'Forever a Black BELT'!

So, if you 'hear-me-OUT',
That 'SELF-doubt' RIDS.
'Forever a Black BELT'!
 But, as long as I have that 'inner-DRIVE'
To TEACH the kids, I'll ALWAYS-BE
'Forever a Black BELT', CLASS!"

... 'Tis ACTUALLY my sister's THIRD-"CHRONY"** TODAY.
(... YES, I ALREADY-wished her a 'Feliz cumpleaños' to her.)

P.S. Turkish soccer-POWERHOUSE, 'Fenerbahçe' (pronounced 'Feh-nehr-BAH-cheh') WON its "FIRST-leg" of the "Europa Round of 16"-"BATTLE" OVER 'Braga', 1-0.


* = according-to   

** = (pronounced "KRAW-nee") 'Tis one's birthday, when the digits of one's age ASCEND in CHRONOLOGICAL-order.
(... E.g. 01, 12, 23, 34, 45, 56, 67, 78, 89)


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