Wednesday, March 30, 2016

"Wildly-Odd & Wacky" Wednesday!

... "W.O.W." = ACRONYM of MY-Wednesday

(... I doN'T RECALL ever really-KNOWING the DIFFERENCE between an "ACRONYM" & an "ANAGRAM".)

... So, I looked 'em up ... at

Acronym = "A word formed from the initial letters or groups of letters of words ina set phrase or series of words and pronounced as a separate word."
((... I.e. Members--like MYSELF--of "P.A.M.A.I." ("Professional Association of Martial Arts Instructors") COMMONLY-refer to the group as "PAM-ee".))    

Anagram = "a word, phrase, or sentence formed from another by rearranging its letters."
My housemate just strolled-into my room & showed me a clip of an old 'Simpsons'-episode--that I'd SEEN--to REMIND me that I USED-to KNOW the difference.

-- "IF you are NOT WILLING-to LEARN, NO ONE can HELP you.  

... Our life is always under construction. 
It is your "JOB" to LEARN-how to "'UN-tangle' the threads" 
and "WEAVE a 'tapestry'" that MATCHES your DESIRES.

... I LEARN MORE of/about MY "BIOPHYSICS"/"'DO's & DON'T's"/"CAN's & CAN'Ts"/"Physical-CAPABILITIES" EVERYDAY.  
... OTHERWISE, I feel I'd be "DISAPPOINTING my NERDY-glasses".

... An 'OPTIMIST' sees the OPPORTUNITY in every DIFFICULTY."
(--Sir Winston Churchill)

... On THAT-note, when I awoke from my TWO-DIFFERENT/-SEPARATE COMAS, I "conducted" a SELF-analysis: 
SHOULD I "go-ALONG with" the "DUMBASS-doctors" & "admit-DEFEAT" ALREADY 
"'aim-for a 'DISTANT'-'VICTORY' in my REHAB"?!
(... I went with choice B.) 

-- So, I watched the HILARIOUS-film, 'Multiplicity' this morning.  It got me THINKIN' ... of MY VERY-DIFFERENT PERSONALITY-aspects: 
--> "#2" =  

-- I "WHEELED-into" my OFFICE ... to "CONVERSE-with"/ANNOY my mom & MAIN-Nurse, while they ADVERTISED for my IMPENDING "NEEDED-Caregiver".

... ALSO, I sought-to "show-OFF" my AMAZING-"MENTAL math" AND STUNNING-vocabulary.  

--  ('I WILL Survive' -- Gloria Gaynor)

"At first I was afraid I was petrified

Thinking I couldn't live without you by my side
And I've been spending nights
Thinking how you did me wrong
And I grew strong
And I learned how to get alongAnd now you're back
From outer space
And I find you here with that sad look upon your face
I should have changed that stupid lock
Oh made you leave your key
If I've known for a second you'd be back to bother me
Go on now, go walk out the door
Turn around now
You're not welcome anymore
You're the one who tried to hurt me with goodbye
Do you think I'd crumble
Did you think I'd lay down and die?  

No, not I, I will survive
Long as I know how to love
I know I'll stay aliveI've got all my life to live
And all my love to give and I'll survive
I, I, I will survive

It took all my strength not to fall apart
Trying' without my mind to mend my broken heart
I spent so many nights
Feeling sorry for myself, how I cried
But now I hold my head up high
And you see me, somebody new
I'm not that lonely little person who's still in love with you
Now you come dropping in     
Expecting me to be free

Now I'm saving all my lovin' for someone who's loving me
Go on now, walk out the door
Turn around now
You're not welcome anymore
You're the one who tried to hurt me with goodbye

Think I'd might crumble
Did you think I'd lay down and die?
No, not I, I will survive
Long as I know how to love
I know I'll stay alive
I've got my life to live
And all my love to give and I'll survive
I, I, I will survive 
Go and go, walk out the door
Turn around now
You're not welcome anymore
You're the one who tried to hurt me with goodbye
Do you think I'd crumble
Did you think I'd lay down and die?
No, not I, I will survive
Long as I know how to love
I know I'll stay alive
I've got all my life to live
And all my love to give and I'll survive
I, I, I will survive
It took all my strength not to fall apart
Trying' without my mind to mend my broken heart    _______
I spent so many nights
Feeling sorry for myself, how I cried
Now I hold my head up high
And you see me, somebody new
Not that lonely little person who's still in love with you
Now you come dropping in
Expecting me to be free
but I'm saving all my lovin' for someone who's loving me
Go on and go, walk out the door
Turn around now
You're not welcome anymore
You're the one who tried to hurt me with goodbye
Think I'd might crumble
Did you think I'd lay down and die?
No, not I, I will survive
Long as I know how to love
I know I'll stay alive
I've got my life to live
And all my love to give and I'll survive
I, I, I will survive
Go on and go, walk out the door
Turn around now
You're not welcome anymore
You're the one who tried to hurt me with goodbye"
'I WILL Succeed':

"At first there were comaS, I was 'ASLEEP'.  
Knowin' I would-not LIVE with-OUT my NERVES 'run-DEEP'.
So, I've been TRYIN' oh-so HARD,
Usin' good bi-oh-fih-ZIKS,
And I made 'TRICKS'

To get ALOTTA nerve-'CLICKS'!
... Soon they'll be BACK,
From 'dormant-SLEEP'.
My injury-EEZ 'stem' from 'ISSUES oh-so DEEP'.
I should've THOUGHT-to 'shoulder-ROLL', 
Or, DOUBTED my 'rih-PAIR',
If I'd KNOWN for JUST one-second that I'd NEED a wheel-CHAIR!
Come on now, gimme a TWITCH!
Any-time NOW.
... CRAP!  I caN'T reach that stupid-ITCH.  
Nonetheless, I'll NEH-VER give up & QUIT!
My ee-GO's MUCH too-BIG.
Did you think I'll FO!REVER just-SIT?!

No, not I!  WILL Suhk-SEED!
Thanks for uh-ply-ing FIH-ZIKS!
Now I've got all I NEED.  
I've STILL-got ALL my precious-LIMBS
And my impeccable cog-NIH-SHEHN.  Sooo, 
It's taken ALL my MENTAL-'strength' NOT-to GIVE-UP!
I'm TRYIN'-to NOT just lie-around like a 'SHLUP'!
I've tried oh-so-MANY TIMES,
Cal-KYOO-LAY-ting ang-uhls, in my HEAD.
But now I'm SEEIN' my PRAH-GRESS!
I IGNORE my need-for REST!
If I WERE an annoying-BRAGGART, I'd slam my fist against my CHEST!
... But, I'm NOT.  ... So, I'll BLOG.

Now, my nerves ''WAKIN'-UP''!
Now, I'm SAVIN' all my ''WALKIN'' for when I CAN ah-ply FIH-ZIKS!
Come on, LEG-nerves!  ... Just 'wake-UP'!  ______
... Come-on, twitch NOW!
''Activity''s LONG-over-DUE!
I've been ''PUSHIN'' y'all LONG-enough ... to NO-ah-VAIL.
Think I'd just 'give-UP'?!
Do y'ALL think I'll SIT-down & POUT?!
No, not I!  WILL Suhk-SEED!
Long as I have-GOT the 'DRIVE',
I've got ALL my 'knowing-LIMBS'
And MUCH of my 'NAW-lehj'.  So, I'll suk-SEED!

LEG-nerves, GO!  'Wake-UP' & TWITCH!
'Suh-port me' NOW!
There's NO 'DEAD-nerves' any-MORE!
I woN'T LET y'all 'relax' so-MUCH all the TIME!"


-- There's NOTHING quite as "INTENSE" as the MOMENT-of-CLARITY, when you suddenly-"SEE" what's really-POSSIBLE for you.

...    "The MORE-CLARITY you have about ... 
WHAT you WANT and WHERE you're GOING,
the LESS-TIME you spend in getting there."
(--Speaker UNKNOWN)

... How do you "BUILD CONFIDENCE?!
... By DOING what you FEAR-MOST.

(... In MY-case, THAT'd be ... "WALKING" with-OUT the SUPPORT of my walker.)     


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