Saturday, March 26, 2016

"PUT-ON a HAPPY-face!"

-- (I'm NOT religious.  Ergo, ...)
To Hell with "GOOD-Friday".
Yesterday was ... GREAT!

... Aside from the NUMEROUS "articles" of GOOD-news I read, my MAIN-Nurse WAS "REAL with me" about my PHYSICAL-health:

"[I] caN'T go-BACK 'on the mat' to practice jiujitsu, ... 'cuz [I] MIGHT SEVERELY-injure my AILING-(LEFT-) hip.  Then, [my] doctor would HAFTA 'perform Hip-REPLACEMENT surgery'."
So, I'm DEBATING-about WHETHER-to "SWALLOW my PRIDE", "take-it-EASY" & JUST-VIEW 'Sempais' DEMONSTRATE MY "work".
do I SECRETLY-"act-OUT" MY techniques, ... being MINDFUL & CAREFUL of "my CORE"?!


RELUCTANTLY, I'm "leaning-TOWARD" the "PRIDE-swallowing".

-- This morning I HAD-to use my LAWN-MOWER to TRIM my  GOATEE'. 

-- My housemate has-to SLOW-down, .... so

(... Ya see, I've ALWAYS-VALUED "PRECISION" OVER "SPEED"--ESPECIALLY on Calculus-tests ... as HE will attest-to.  GENERALLY, being "PRECISE" refers to one's ability to "REPEAT the SAME-outcome for/of a GIVEN-test".  Being "ACCURATE" refers to one's ability to "generate a RESULT CLOSE-to the documented-/ACTUAL-result".
... IDEALLY, I/y'ALL would LIKE-to COMBINE the TWO-results to "get the BEST of BOTH-worlds".

-- Some RIDDLES: (ANSWERS at the END)

1) What has to be broken before it can be used? 
2) What has MANY keys, but can't even open a SINGLE door?
3) What has HOLES but still HOLDS-water?
4) What invention lets you look-THROUGH walls?
5) What has A tongue, can-NOT walk, but gets around a lot?
6) MANY have HEARD me, but NOBODY has SEEN me, and I will-NOT speak until FIRST spoken-TO. What am I?
7) The person who MAKES it has no need for it. 
The person who PURCHASES it does-NOT use it. 
The person who DOES-use it does not know he or she is.
WHAT is it?

-- 'Twas an ENCOURAGING-class at Karate this morning:
GREAT student-ENTHUSIASM, A.J.-"Shout-out" from Professor, MORE FRIENDLY/WELL-behaved PARENTS!

-- As has become KINDA a "routine", I AGAIN did 2 sets of 50 crunches.  For EACH of the last-TEN reps, I SLOWLY-raised my TRUNK SLOOOWLY ... for/in ~eight seconds EACH.  Also during those LAST ~16.67%, I'd raise my LEGS, AS I crunched-UP.      

-- "To LEARN & NOT to-do' is REALLY NOT 'to LEARN'. 
'To KNOW & not to-do' is REALLY NOT 'to KNOW'."
(--Buddhist saying)

... "If you have the 'Power-to-CHANGE something that's holding you BACK, & you doN'T, then THAT's a CHOICE, ... NOT a LIMITATION."
(--Zero Dean)


'Wonderful World'
(by Sam Cooke)
"Don't know much about history
Don't know much biology
Don't know much about a science book
Don't know much about the French I took

But I do know that I love you
And I know that if you love me, too
What a wonderful world this would be

Don't know much about geography
Don't know much trigonometry
Don't know much about algebra
Don't know what a slide rule is for

But I do know one and one is two
And if this one could be with you
What a wonderful world this would be

Now, I don't claim to be an A student
But I'm trying to be
For maybe by being an A student, baby
I can win your love for me

Don't know much about history
Don't know much biology
Don't know much about a science book
Don't know much about the French I took

But I do know that I love you
And I know that if you love me, too
What a wonderful world this would be

La ta ta ta ta ta ta (History)
Hmm-mm-mm (Biology)
La ta ta ta ta ta ta (Science book)
Hmm-mm-mm (French I took)

Yeah, but I do know that I love you
And I know that if you love me, too
What a wonderful world this would be"
(... MY version, entitled,
(... 'Twas INSPIRED-by my-viewing of 'Animal House' yesterday.)

"Know a LOT about CAL-KYOO-LUS.
Know a LOT of Bi-O-fih-ZIKS.
Next is my NERVES, so y'ALL see it 'CLICKS'.

'Tis TRUE now that I need ALL my leg-NERVES.
If only my STRAIGHT 'walking-path' didN'T have so many SWERVES, 
What a MIRACULOUS-BRAIN this would-BE!

Know a LOT about JEE-ah-mih-TREE!
Know too-MUCH TRIH-gah-NAW-meh-TREE!
Know too-MUCH advanced-ALGRBRA!
Know ALL too-MUCH about SIY-ENS!

... But, I caN'T 'practice what I PREACH'.
'Cuz my 'deadened-nerves' shorten my REACH.
What a MIRACULOUS-BRAIN this would-BE!

Well, I WAS an 'A'-student, y'ALL.
But, my AGAIN-being an 'A'-student, BABY,
Is really OHN-LEE for ME!

"Know a LOT about CAL-KYOO-LUS.
Know a LOT of Bi-O-fih-ZIKS.
Next is my NERVES, so y'ALL see it 'CLICKS'.

'Tis TRUE now that I need ALL my leg-NERVES.
If only my STRAIGHT 'walking-path' didN'T have so many SWERVES, 
What a MIRACULOUS-BRAIN this would-BE!

La ta ta ta ta ta ta (Calculus)
Hmm-mm-mm (Big-plus)
La ta ta ta ta ta ta (Bi-phyics)
Hmm-mm-mm (It clicks)

Yeah, but I MUST keep-on TRYIN',
In-order-to get those 'nerve-SPARKS FLYIN'!
What a MIRACULOUS-BRAIN this would-BE!"

-- Regarding MY rehab:

"Sometimes it is the very-people who NO ONE IMAGINES anything of ...
who do the things NO ONE can IMAGINE."
(--'The Imitation Game')

((... PREMONITION/FORESHADOWING: FUTURE-point(S) go to Mr. AJ Kaynatma for SUCCESSFULLY-"defeating" HIS "Traumatic Brain-Injury".))

... "A wisER-felluh than MYSELF once said, ...
'Sometimes YOU eat the bar. ... And sometimes the BAR, ... well, it EATS YOU."
(--The Stranger, 'The Big Lebowski')

... My housemate DID invite his father over, & we-ALL enjoyed watching SAID-film.

-- "The person who NEVER made a MISTAKE ... NEVER tried anything NEW."
(--Albert Einstein)
(... "Let ye who is with-OUT SIN ... cast the FIRST-stone.")

1) An EGG
(I would've ALSO accepted ... "A.J.")
6) An ECHO

... SELF-Grading: Multiply # of CORRECT-answers by ~14.29.


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