Saturday, March 12, 2016

DAILY-Breakdown ... of FUN

(The FOLLOWING is a LIST of my MAIN-activities in a TYPICAL*-week:)

-- SPEECH-Therapy (1 hour)
-- Workout (... MOSTLY-legs) at "NeuroFit 360" (3:00 pm - 
4:00 pm)
-- 'Scorpion' (FAVORITE television-show) (9:00 pm - 10:00 pm)

-- "UPPER body"-Workout (Noon - 1:00 pm)
-- "NeuralPsychoTherapy"-session (every-OTHER Tuesday) 
(~2:00 pm - ~3:00 pm)
-- 'Limitless' (10:00 pm - 11:00 pm)

-- SPEECH-Therapy (1 hour)

-- KIDS' "Martial Arts"-Class (TEACHING or VIEWING & COMMENTING) (~4:30 pm - ~7:00 pm)
-- 'The Big Bang Theory' (8:00 pm - 8:30 pm)
-- 'Lip Sync Battle' (9:00 pm - 9:30 pm)
-- Create/Design NEW 'Jiujitsu'-techniqueS**

-- SPEECH-Therapy (1 hour)
-- Workout (... MOSTLY-legs) at "NeuroFit 360" (3:00 pm - 
4:00 pm)

-- KIDS' "Martial Arts"-Class (TEACHING or VIEWING & COMMENTING) (~9:30 am - ~noon)
-- Create/Design NEW 'Jiujitsu'-techniqueS

-- POSSIBLE brunch OUT with Housemate's family
-- RELAX-day

-- Aside from my USUAL-schedule, PRIOR-to Karate this MORNING, I "got the BEST of BOTH-worlds" by "channel-SURFING" between watching the COMEDY of 'Stripes' & the ACTION of '300'.
(... WAY-to START my day!)

... AT Karate-class, I WATCHED a few 'Karateka' demonstrate some techniques & 'katas' (= 'PRE-arranged fighting-movements') ... AND arranged a POTENTIAL-meeting (for FUN) with a NICE/FRIENDLY mom & her three sons ... who are all 'Karateka' ... & trying-to get-INTO my high school.***

-- RATHER-than "ADMITTING I was 'BORED'", I played ALOTTA "Minesweeper", SEMI-watched some BAD-television & emailed dome friends.

* = The TIMING of my activities, but I almost-ALWAYS have 'em on SAID-days.
*** = The ONUS for a POSSIBLE FUTURE-"hangout" is on HER.


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