Monday, March 7, 2016

"When the going gets TOUGH, ... the tough get-GOING."

"If it were EASY, ... EVERYONE would do it."
((... NOTHING ... on ANY-day ... to ANY-degree/-extent is EVER "EASY for ME" (... EXCEPT-for ''matemáticas'')
...    ''Podría--& lo hacen a la perfección "jugar con números" ... en mi sueño.''  --> 'I could--& DO--FLAWLESSLY "play with numbers" ... in my SLEEP.'))           

... NOT-to BRAG, but I attended PRESCHOOL ... 
at Harvard. 
(... However, I did-NOT earn a degree, SIMPLY-/ONLY-'cuz ...
I was so "TICKLED" by the LAUGHABLE SEMI-teachings in my "Applied-Mathematics" course that I'd REPEATEDLY "WET my pants".)

(.... YEARS later, I'd sue ... & WIN ... for
"Discrimination against the 'URINARY-disabled'".)

P.S. I'd DOUBLE-MINOR in "Judicial-/Legal-PROPAGANDA" ... & "Biomedical Engineering".

P.P.S. I "learned the ERROR of my ways" ... as a SOPHOMORIC-INFANT ... & attended a "FAR-BETTER college" (... I'm BIASED.) ... as a WISE-ADULT--the University of Pennsylvania.

"THUNDER" is the SOUND-of ...  


-- Just-about ALL of my favorite SPORTS-teams are REALLY-STRUGGLING.
(  : (  )  
Nonetheless, I'll just-USE that UN-fortunate news as FURTHER-motivation for ME to "RE-create MY 'ATHLETIC-Arena" ... SOCIALLY.  

... In a SEMI-related note, last night I OKAYED my housemate's "VOLUNTEERING-to ORGANIZE/"SET UP" MY 31st BIRTHDAY-"PARTY-plans" AT a local park!
(... I RECKON 'twill be a "HOOTENANNY"!)

-- Bio-PHYSICAL experiment: 
(WARNING) Over the course of the last ... WEEK (Since the month BEGAN), EVERY-time I've been lying--AWAKE--in bed, I "CROSS my ANKLES"*.  ... THIS "tactic" SEEMS-to CONTRADICT "anatomical-RELEASES": 
I've ALWAYS-learned that "CROSSING one's LEGS" severely-INHIBITS/-PREVENTS one's "lavatorial-SECRETIONS & -EXCRETIONS".  
... CONTRADICTORILY, in SEVEN-mornings (~35 AWAKE-hours), I've "EVACUATED my BOWELS" ... NINE different times.  
(... ~35 hours/9 "DUMPS" = ONE "DUMP" per ~3.89 hours)
(... 'Tis NOT a GOOD-stat of/for a "HEALTHY digestive system".)

... In lieu of MY HYPERACTIVE "EXCRETORY-activity", my MAIN-Nurse "put me on 'HIGH-ALERT'", when she explained that "IF (I) CONTINUE-to 'RID (MY) body' of (my) MEDS & VITAMINS, (MY) doctor WILL-conduct a (DREADED) colonoscopy.  THEN, IF he finds-ANYTHING, (my) (IGNORANT/UN-knowing) 'doctor' WILL-recommend an ENEMA ... EVERYDAY!" 
(... EEEWWW!  "Hellz-NAW!")

-- WHENEVER I'm "feeling-LOW" or "-BLUE", I "BOOST my MOOD" with ... some COMEDY/HUMOR.
(... I.e. This morning I watched ''White Men CAN'T Jump'' ... as an "APPETIZER" to TWO ENLIGHTENING-hours of 'NUMB3RS'.)

... "'DREAMS' can-ONLY be DISCERNIBLE to the 'DREAMER'."
(-- Larry, 'NUMB3RS')
(... I--A.J.--"DREAM"-of ENJOYING a PLEASANT "FAMILY"-"WALK" around my Davie-neighborhood WITH my WIFE & KID.  ... "WHY"--y'ALL ask.  MY Personal-GOALS)         

-- EVERYONE NEEDS a FRIEND who'll just call & DEMAND, 
"Get dressed.  We're goin' on an ADVENTURE!"
(... CURRENTLY, I'm NOT a FAN-of SPONTANEITY, ... JUST 'cuz it takes ME--in my WHEELCHAIR--"forever AND a day" to get-READY for ANYTHING.  ... But, I'm MORE-than READY to/for CHANGE!)      

... ME--as youngER Charles Xavier: "I'll DO ... my BEST."My housemate--as Wolverine: "THAT's MORE-than enough."
(--'X-Men: Days of Future Past')
((... = ("PRE-accident A.J." + "POST-accident A.J.") divided by ... "11,291"-DAY Life)))       

* = I designed this technique MAINLY as an "ADAPTATION" to COPE-with my SORE LEFT-Achilles/-heel.

FYI: Since MY EVERYDAY-Life is "a TAD" UN-eventful, I PREFER-to ENTERTAIN (... MYSELF) with HUMOROUS-tales, -observations & -"APPLICABLE life-notes".
(... MY "recovery" is VERY-GRADUAL ... but INSPIRING, nonetheless.)


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