Tuesday, March 29, 2016


-- If you can do THAT, you can make--almost--ANYTHING happen.

... F.Y.I.: I have AMAZING-determination, "UN-deniable" WILL-power & UN-tiring persistence.

-- I had my "UPPER body"-workout--as I do EVERY Tuesday.
When I woke-UP in the A.M., my NECK & BACK felt MUCH-BETTER than USUAL!  ... I noted THIS to my TRAINER & THANKED him for his GREAT-stretches with/on me.

... I have NOTICEABLE INCREASED-flexibility!  
... In ADDITION-to my UPPER-"trunk" MOBILITY, I acted-out
--for the SECOND-CONSECUTIVE workout--a "FINGER-stretching, MANUAL-maneuvering, MARBLE-transferring"-technique with my LEFT-hand.
... 'Tis VERY-HELPFUL!  
... NEXT week, my trainer & I AGREED that I could-be TIMED, ... 'cuz my trainer said that I was noticeably-SPEEDY!

-- Since I KNOW "magic" does-NOT exist, I also-KNOW that "prestidigitation" is MERELY "PHYSICS", "ANGLE-manipulation" & DISTRACTIONS.  
But, it got me THINKIN':
COULD I "perform" some "legerdemain" ... with my LEGS?!

-- "What makes me a 'FIGHTER' is my ''DRIVE'-to-'WIN''."
(... I WAS actually-TRAINING to be a UFC-fighter ... at the TIME of my ACCIDENT.)
(... I was DAMN-GOOD!)    

-- "FOCUS-on 'where' you WANT-to 'GO', ... NOT on what you FEAR."
(--Tony Robbins)

... You MISS 100% of the OPPORTUNITIES you doN'T TAKE.

-- So, my housemate, his dad & I played a VERY-PLEASANT game of "'beirut'"/"beer pong" in my living room at ~9:00 pm.
(... It's ALL-ANGLES!)

... "The BEST-way to 'FIND-yourself' is to 'LOSE-yourself' in the service of OTHERS."
(--Mahatma Gandhi)

... I've GOTTA-"CELEBRATE" the TURKISH National SOCCER-team's TWO big-victories ... THIS week:
2-1 over Sweden & 2-1 over Austria.

-- "You can't 'outwit' FATE by 'standing on the SIDE-lines, placing little side bets' about the 'outcome of LIFE'.  Either you wade in and risk everything you have to play the game or you don't play at all.  And, if you don't play u can't 'WIN'. 
(--Judith McNaught)

... I've GOTTA-CLARIFY my responses to my "NeuralPsychoTherapist's HYPOTHETICAL-inquiries:
--> To the question of WHETHER I think I'm "SUCCESSFUL".  My reply was "SEMI-..."  I MIS-understood. 
... She INTERRUPTED MY-response as that I think I am ONLY "SEMI-successful".   ... Ha ha HA!  With ALL I've ACCOMPLISHED ... ESPECIALLY-/PARTICULARLY-since ... July 6th, 2008, ... is really QUITE "NOTEWORTHY", COMMENDABLE & INSPIRING!  I MEANT that I was "SEMI-content"/-happy ... with MY CURRENT-level/-degree of "SOCIAL-accomplishment".  ... MAINLY, I'm JUST NOT-happy with my "ROMANTIC-activity" ... or LACK-thereof.


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