Friday, March 25, 2016


... "OH, BACK-to-school.  BACK-to-SHKOOL.  
To PROVE-to (ME) I'm NOT a FOOL"
(--Billy, 'Billy Madison')

-- "Knowing-YOURSELF" is the BEGINNING of ALL-WISDOM.  

... On THAT-note, some ENLIGHTENING-words--ALL from Albert Einstein:
-- As I am COMPLETING my degree MORE-for the-PRINCIPLE of "FINISHING what I STARTED", I like what Einstein said:
"Try not to become a man of SUCCESS, but rather try to become a man of VALUE."

-- As I experience MANY "trials & TRIBULATIONS" during my REHAB, 'tis ESSENTIAL to note Einstein's INSIGHTFUL-words:

"LEARN-from 'YESTERDAY'.  LIVE-for 'TODAY'.  HOPE-for 'TOMORROW'.  The IMPORTANT-thing is to NOT-stop questioning."

-- "The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination."

-- "We can-NOT solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them."

(... Ergo, I'll "LOOK-at" 'em ... with a "T.B.I."
... C'MON!  If I caN'T/doN'T JOKE-about 'em, HOW can I EXPECT-to HEAL?!)

-- "To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle, requires creative imagination and marks real advance in science."

(... Might a "NEW angle" BE ... from a WHEELCHAIR?!)
-- "The difference between 'STUPIDITY' and 'GENIUS' is that 'GENIUS' has its limits."
(... EVERY Tuesday ... MY "UPPER body"-trainer WARNS me to "KNOW [my] 'limits.'  ... Does HE recognize my BRILLIANCE, simply from my utilization of bio-PHYSICS in my exerciseS?!)
-- "Once we accept our limits, we go beyond them."


-- (WARNING) My morning BEGAN with a 
"LARGE, semi-SOLID 'Dastardly Dung-Deposit'" ... PRE-"are"Alliteration aside."  'Tis ALWAYS-comforting/-relaxing/-encouraging, when MY-body "conducts" "NORMAL"/"TYPICAL" "bodily-actions"--like GROWTH, NERVE-REGENERATION, MUSCLE-DEVELOPMENT, EXCRETION of "Bodily-WASTE"--'SANS' "medicinal-STIMULATION".  
(... I.e. "EXCRETION of ... at-LEAST 'SEMI-solid' bodily-WASTE" with-OUT pharmaceutical "bowel-STIMULANT")       


... 1) When I "WALK", I TEND-to occasionally glance-DOWN at my feet.  I'm SUPPOSED-to look-UP/-STRAIGHT, ... 'cuz THAT's NATURAL.  
... Now I'm VERY-"SURE of"/"CONFIDENT-in MY-OWN "spacial-judgment".  So, WHY do I look-DOWN so OFTEN?!
'Bilmiyorum.' = 'BEEL-mee-YOHR-uhm.' 
= TURKISH for ''I doN'T know.''
... It's SUBCONSCIOUS.  ... So, I guess y'ALL COULD say 'tis PSYCHOLOGICAL.       

... 2) When I "WALK", I TEND-to step "PIGEON-toed" ... with ONLY my LEFT-foot.  EVEN my "LOWER body"'s "THINKIN'-about" PHYSICS, 'cuz a DIAGONAL/"PIGEON-toed" foot "creates" a wideR-/stableR-/"more-CEMENTED"-BASE for my STANDING.  ... AGAIN, I do NOT "'WALK' this way'**.  I just DEVELOPED this WALKING-/STEPPING-style/-technique, AFTER/SINCE my accident/injuries.

... 3) ... If I LOOK-DOWN at my LEFT-foot, as I "WALK", then I can "WILL" my LEFT-foot to NOT-curve IN-ward.        

-- How very-SURPRISING, yet ABSOLUTELY-DELIGHTFUL!  I attended a PRE-Enrollment meeting AT "Nova Southeastern University" (my grad-school) with my mom.  "LONG-story SHORT", it turns-OUT that 
I--CURRENTLY--have a 
3.82 GPA 
through 21 of a REQUIRED-39 (?)--I've gotta-CHECK that.) "Credit-hours" ... for a/my "Masters of Business Administration" in the "Huizenga School of College of Business/Entrepreneurship". 
(... BRAVO to Nova ... for maintaining my "Graduate student"-status as ... 70% COMPLETE!)
(... = 21/30 Credit-hours)

... Immediately-AFTER SAID-"meeting", my mom commented to ME: "I think THAT went VERY-well!  She (the "Disability-Advisor") seems JUST-FINE!  Right?"
I shake my head ... in DIS-agreement.
ME: "You DO know what 'FINE' stands for, doN'T you?!'Freaked-out.  Insecure.  Neurotic.  Emotional.'***  So, NO, mom.  I'd say she was very HELPFUL, UNDERSTANDING & INSIGHTFUL."****

... I told my housemate:

"I think we SHOULD get-OUT more."

P.S. "Dear MIND,
    Stop THINKING so-MUCH at NIGHT.  ... I NEED-to SLEEP."
(--Charlie Brown)

* = BOTH my youngER brother AND my youngER are currently-IN 'Turkey', ... while my BROTHER STUDIES for his  DOCTORATE ... IN Turkish ... AND TEACHES!

** = song by Aerosmith

*** = quote from 'The Italian Job'

**** = I made-SURE to COMPLIMENT the NOVA-"Disability-Advisor" for HER being SO "INSIGHTFUL".


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