Saturday, March 19, 2016

'Tis a GLORIOUS-day ... to be ... I ... & ALIVE!

... Actually, 'tis my "UN-birthday" TODAY!
(--OLD-SCHOOL 'Alice in Wonderland' --> ANIMATED)*.
(... YouTube "UNbirthday")

-- In lieu of my LEFT-leg's REALLY kinda-"SUCKING", I couldN'T HELP but AID my RIGHT-leg's OVER-compensating for my "LOST"-strength.
So, I got CURIOUS as to HOW I would EXPLAIN this ASSISTANCE:

 "something that is added to something else in order to make it complete"

"a :  something that fills up, completes, or makes perfect
b :  the quantity, number, or assortment required to make a thing completec :  one of two mutually completing parts; counterpart"

"an expression of esteem, respect, affection, or admiration; especially an admiring remark"

... Ergo, I'm SURE I'll receive "complIments" on how my RIGHT-leg "complEments" my LEFT, ... for a STEADY-/STABLE (PHYSICAL-)"WALK" to "supplement" my (LONGTIME) MENTAL-excellence!

-- I didN'T WATCH this "BIOP".  But, as I "channel-SURFED", the TITLE fascinated me:


(... 'Tis an ACCURATE titular-SYMBOLISM of my ONGOING-"rehab".)

-- "GREAT-moments are 'BORN-from' GREAT-opportunity."
((... AUDIBLE-sigh) My INTUITION/INSTINCTS prompts/makes me INSTANTLY-calculate the PROBABILITY/LIKELIHOOD of ANY-event's occurring.  ... Thus, I doN'T really get-SURPRISED by the "miracles" I frequently-"PERFORM".)   
(... I "LIVE-by" the "creed": "Just ACT-like you've BEEN-there BEFORE.")



(... PRIORITIES --> "NUMBERS" are--& MUST-REMAIN--objective.)

-- 'Tis NOT-cool/-fun that TODAY I realized the "'PAINFUL'-TRUTH", ... that my activities--at HOME--are VERY-LIMITED/-"FEW & FAR-BETWEEN", when I caN'T CALL-friends or PLAY-outside.
(  : (  )

... I watched ALOTTA SPORTS (basketball, "March MaT-ness", baseball) & QUITE a few movies I had-ALREADY-seen ('John Wick', 'Jay & Silent Bob', 'Fantastic Four') in lieu of my--UN-fortunate--LACK-of ACTIVITY.

-- WHAT a RELIEF--on TWO-"fronts"!
1) I--FINALLY, after a BRIEF-"flatulent-interlude"--I TRIUMPHANTLY "excreted a LARGE-mount of bodily-WASTE" ... that I--AGAIN--could SEMI-smell!
2) ... Directly-AFTER my "Turd-Trip", I "Trekked"--in my Tennis shoes--To my Terrifically-Tantatlizing "Television-Table".  
(... "Alliteration aside."  WAY-to-GO, ... A.J.'s BOWELS!)

-- I was HAPPILY-inspired by watching the HILARIOUS-show 'Whose Line is it Anyway?' to tell a JOKE:
--> 'Tis APPROPRIATE, 'cuz my EX is a NURSE.  
"I SWEAR she was GOING-to give me 'MOUTH-to-MOUTH Resuscitation'.  But, she got LOST."
(... I SHRUG my shoulders.)

* = ACTUALLY, MY-birthday is April 8th.  So, ALL-364 OTHER-days are MY "UN-BIRTHDAY"!
... In OTHER-words: "Live EVERY-day, as if it were your LAST."  ... "Take CHANCES."  ... "We tend-to regret-MORE what we didN'T do, than what we DID."


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