Saturday, June 4, 2016


AFTER a few LAST-MINUTE revisions, I played/presented my "SPEECH"--about PERSEVERANCE & DETERMINATION ... FIRST to my housemate this morning.  ... He APPROVED!

... As for how the actual-CLASS of KIDS reacted, ... 
the KIDS were GREAT!  
... They-ALL listened very-INTENTLY!  ... 'Twas a BIG-class. 
((... I doN'T ... THINK ... "Professor" announced MY-speech BEFOREHAND.  Nonetheless, the relatively-LARGE audience (~20 kids) was QUITE-WELCOME!))
... The kids LOVED it!  'Twas ONLY ~a FIVE-minute "SPEECH".  But, there was INTERESTED eye-contact ... from the CHILDREN ... THROUGHout my speech!
... AFTERWARDS, "Professor" said a few-words of "THANKS" to me & how MY "VICTORIOUS-'battle'" even "INSPIRES" HIM!  ... He asked me to PLEASE "give that speech to the ADULTS' class next week".  (... "ASK, ... & you SHALL-RECEIVE.")
... My Caregiver even-joked that he's gotta "sign [ME] UP for the 'SPEECH-circuit'".
... Ergo, I've gotta-make a few REVISIONS.  (... I "cater-to my AUDIENCE".)  But, I've got a WHOLE-WEEK!)

-- I've GOTTA-study!  ... I haven't felt this "LOST", CONFUSED & "HELPLESS", since I attended The School for the DEEAF!
... My housemate--to ME: "A.J.--Dude, but, you're NOT-DEAF."ME: "I KNOW!  ... It was REALLY-HARD!"

-- As my housemate & I "get me 'PROPERLY-SITUATED'" before my "QUIZ" for GRAD-school, he asks me,
"WAIT!  WHY are we wearing BRAS on our heads?!"
MY-reply: "They're ... CEREMONIAL!"
(--'Weird Science')

... ME: "The BRAS are 'PREP', ... 'cuz I do-NOT WANT-to 'INVITE' the TEST to 'RAPE-me'."
Him: "'Too-SHAY!'"

-- So, 'twas QUITE a RELAXING- ... & RELAXING-day!
... My EASE/CALM really kinda-STARTED & -ENDED with my "SPEECH" for the 'Karateka'-KIDS.(... NOICE!)


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