Friday, June 24, 2016


... = "Tentative-Gait Instead of Falling"
= "Tough Gains Initiate Forces"

-- "Assumptions are rarely facts.. If we are pre-occupied with 'JUDGING',
and demanding things on our terms, we are not available for 'LOVING'.
That is a fact.  ... You, SERIOUSLY, have NO-idea what people are DEALING-with in their personal-lives.  ... So, just be-NICE.  ... It's THAT-simple."  

... UN-fortunately, I WAS far-MORE EM-pathetic than I am NOW.  ... NOW, I am just very SYM-pathetic.  
... My LAST-girlfriend--to/about ME: "Sooo, BOTTOM-line, you're just-'PATHETIC'.  ... I concur."  
ME--to her: "Aaah, CLEVER homonymnal-'BURN'!  (SNIFF SNIFFLE)  But, ya know what HURTS the-MOST?!  ... It's the LACK-of RESPECT!"
Her: (AUDIBLE-giggle)    

... I AM 'LEARNING-to' LOVE-MYSELF there."
(--Rune Lazuli)

-- What-WHAT?!  I JUST-heard a "DING"--indicating 'tis 
Ergo, ... I shall-GO ... with what I KNOW:

"I am SINGLE & 'ah-LONE'
... Therefore, let's MINGLE, & go-'BONE'!
... Quiet, PRICK!  Don't be CRASS!
... Or, I'll 'KICK your ASS'!
Let's in-SPECT my 'rih-FORM'.
I ex-PECT I'm 'far-from' ... 'the NORM'.
... I DO-like NUMBERS.
After I 'POO', you should call the PLUMBERS.
I love-to EAT ... real-FOOD!
... 'Tis quite a TREAT!  ... It improves my-MOOD!
Since I can't yet TALK, I'm in quite a ... 'BIND'.
... If I spoke, y'all can't MOCK ... what's 'on my MIND'.
Don't 'JUDGE' me by my 'CHAIR'!
... I'll NUDGE my chin.  ... But, please don't STARE!
I cannot over-STATE that ... with math I ex-CEL!
... At my 'solving-RATE', there's no-price at which I would SELL! 

-- "Patience, kindness and compassion are qualities of the heart made manifest by our actions."
(--Harold W. Becker, 'The Love Foundation')

... I DO possess UN-ending "KINDNESS" & "COMPASSION" ... & SYMPATHY.  ... I'm TRYING-to RE-build my "PATIENCE".    

-- SHAME-on ME ... for FORGETTING-to DO my "SPEECH-homework" ... until ~30 minutes BEFORE "class".
... So, after I brushed my teeth, I--almost-INSTANTLY--thought-of a "tongue-twister for 'C' & 'G':

"  Clark --the Colossally-Curt Guy with Glasses--Gave Cute Gifts to the Kind-Girls.  "

(... DAMN, I'm GOOD!)

... "LITTLE did I KNOW" that I had--ACTUALLY--already-COMPLETED my "homework".

"Girls, Could y'all Kindly-Curtsy out-of Courtesy & Contentment?  ... And, Guys, Gulp as y'all Go-to Grab your Gonads."

But, my SPEECH-Therapist did-NOT APPROVE-of my "GONADS"-remark.  So, I "went-WITH" my/the "Clark"-one. (... which MAY have-been a-BIT AUTO-biographical) 

... FRIDAY's SPEECH-homework -- "'tongue-twister' with 'F':

"Freddie Ferociously- & Furiously-Flicked his ForeFinger Forty-Five times ... Furtively ... SSSHHH!  ... as he Fried Filet-mignon."

-- I NEEDED my FRIDAY-dose of the HILARIOUS standup-show 'Whose Line is it Anyway?'-reruns.

... "Hoedown" about MY-REHAB:
"My 'nerve-reactions' ARE rather-'IFFY'.  'Tis quite FRUS-TRATING.
... Nonetheless, they're definitely gettin' STRONGER.
Ladies, ... notice my improving-'CONDITIONING':
... WOWZA!  My-''STAMINA's'' gettin' LONGER!"*

... "I really-wanna 'sidestep' gravity.  It always holds-me DOWN.
... No, I'm NOT-talkin' moonwalk.  I just-wanna SWIM.
Aaah, if-only I could randomly-TALK, 
... I'd emphasize my 'switching-topics' ... 'on a WHIM'."

... (OOOH!  I didN'T realize the proper-FORMAT -- "a a b b", NOT "a b a b"!)
"I'm really quite-social.  I really-miss 'my-PEEPS".
... At-least y'all can no-longer complain-about my back, when I walk--'It STEEPS.'
Also, 'PROPS' to my 'Speech-Therapist' for improving my LIPS.
... More-'PROPS' to my gym for stabilizing my HIPS!"

* = I find 'risqué'-JOKES ... HUMOROUS.


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