Wednesday, June 8, 2016

"Wacky Oligarchical Wonder"/"Weirdo ... OFF-Wednesday"/"Witty Obsessive Wonder":

... "WOW" --> 'Tis an "ACRONYM" for how TODAY--"Hump-day" GOES ... for ME.  

... (EMBARRASSED, SHEEPISH look) Yes, I HAFTA-ADMIT: I HAD-to look-UP the DEFINITIONS of "ANAGRAM" & "ACRONYM" to designate/determine their DIFFERENCE.

-- As I've RELUCTANTLY/"PAINFULLY"--to my EGO--come-to REALIZE,  even the BEST (ME) NEED-help SOMETIMES.

... I almost-NEVER NEED ANY-"help" in/with ... MATH.  ... BUT, my brother recently-emailed me.  He said that he'll be VISITING-me ... from 'TURKIYE' ...  HIM: "I'm needing some research on "mathematical optimization problems &  algorithms".

... MY beginning-research: 
"In the simplest case, an optimization problem consists of maximizing or minimizing a real function by systematically choosing input values from within an allowed set and computing the value of the function. The generalization of optimization theory and techniques to other formulations comprises a large area of applied mathematics. More generally, optimization includes finding 'best available' values of some objective function given a defined domain (or a set of constraints), including a variety of different types of objective functions and different types of domains."
(--'Mathematical optimization', Wikipedia) 
"It is frequently important to know how much of a particular resource (such as time or storage) is theoretically required for a given algorithm. Methods have been developed for the analysis of algorithms to obtain such quantitative answers (estimates); for example, the sorting algorithm above has a time requirement of O(n), using the big O notation with n as the length of the list. At all times the algorithm only needs to remember two values: the largest number found so far, and its current position in the input list."
(--'Algorithmic-analysis', Wikipedia)  

HIM: "I'm taking a class on metaheuristics,   
Or nature-based evolutionary algorithms used in optimization?  Artificial neural networks ..."

-- 'Tis a "Rule by/of THREE": ME, MYSELF & I.
We ARE THE "Trident of POWUH"!

-- AFTER I completed MY "Morning-ROUTINE" of ABDOMINAL-exercises, I "channel-SURFED" through various television shows, 'til I found my TYPICAL "switch-rate": 'NUMB3RS' & 'Saturday Night Live'-reruns.

--Well, well, ... WELL!  When I "WALKED" ~60 feet to sit in my MANUAL-wheelchair & watch TV, I couldN'T-HELP but NOTICE that my USUALLY-/TYPICALLY-ACHING* LEFT-hip was pain-FREE, ... WHEN I took smallER steps/strides.  THIS/MY "GAIT-technique" WORKED!

... 'Tis a "bitch-SLAP" ... in-the-FACE ... to ALL the STUBBORN-STAFF at 'NeuroFit 360'!  ... USUALLY/TYPICALLY, they're ALL SUPPORTIVE.  
BUT, ... they're ALWAYS YELLING-at me to take BIGGER/LONGER strides.  ... When I REFUSE, they "CHASTISE" me.  ... Well, I'm DIFFERENT ... & PROUD-of it!
(... I'm SORRY, ... I'm NOT-sorry!)
((... QUESTION: Who KNOWS MY-body BETTER-than I?!  

... Bottom-line: 
I'm RIGHT.  ... They're "dead-ass WRONG"!
(... If I could BOW, I would.  ... But, I caN'T.  .. So, I woN'T.    ... Thus, I'll CURTSY.)

(... AM I--APPROPRIATELY--wearing a DRESS?!
"A LADY NEVER-tells.")

-- (SEMI-sigh of RELIEF) I JUST (at ~6:15 pm EST) completed my 4th Quiz for Class--by MYSELF--'SANS' ANY "HELP" from my housemate (who was at WORK) ... by earning/achieving the "bare-MINIMUM of academic-IMPROVEMENT" (ONE-MORE question CORRECT ... out-of 20).

-- "'PHILOSOPHY' ... is ... just ... 'VERBAL-masterbation'."
(--'Irrational Man' ... which I'm watching--for the FIRST-time ... as a SEMI-reward for my academic-PROGRESS ... ALL-by-MYSELF.)

... Apparently, SAID-film uses LOGIC, ... 'cuz NUMBERS doN'T/caN'T LIE.

* = There's a MAJOR-DIFFERENCE between "PAIN" & "just-DISCOMFORT".  ... With my LEFT-hip, ESSENTIALLY, there's NO "MIDDLE-ground": It's EITHER pain-FREE/-LESS or EXCRUCIATING!
(... 'Tis "ALL or NUTHIN'".)


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