Monday, June 20, 2016


... (The PROBABILITY's LOW-/BAD-enough.
... But then, "KARMA" seems-to "rear its UGLY-head" ... in there too.)* 

... OR, PRE-accident I might HAPPEN-to be taking a MATH-test.
(... I SHRUG my shoulders.) 

-- TODAY was SOMEWHAT UN-eventful.
(... WHEW!)
(... EXCEPT ... my GYM's relocating to a NEW, BIGGER, CLOSER facility**)
... Thus, TODAY's BLOG-post will-be/IS more "METAPHORICAL"/"PHILOSOPHICAL.
... Sooo, ENJOY!  ...

-- "Old-age" is ... when you KNOW all the ANSWERS, ... but NO-ONE ASKS you the QUESTIONS.

... Ergo, in a SENSE, I was "REBORN" on July 6, 2008.  ... Since I TALK much-LESS, I LISTEN much-MORE.  ... Thus, I HAFTA "READ-people" MORE & HYPOTHESIZE.  ... I RELY-on my ASTUTE-INTUITION.

-- I wish MY "book of LIFE" was (OR, would it be "WERE"?!  ... 'Cuz it's HYPOTHETICAL) written in "PENCIL".  There are a few pages I would like to erase.

... Now, y'ALL might-THINK that I'd WANT-to COMPLETELY-"delete" any/ALL events relating-to my CATACLYSMIC-accident.  BUT, there ARE/MIGHT-be a few MINOR-"POSITIVES" I DID gain from SAID-"CATASTROPHE":  
-- I "PACE-myself" MORE/BETTER.  
-- I "possess" BETTER MENTAL-math "SKILLS".
(When in-DOUBT, ... ADAPT.)  

-- SADLY, ... I have high double standards.

... Since I kinda-LACK EMPATHY, 'tis NOT-cool that I ... RUSH my "Caregivers", (SILENTLY) CRITICIZE (SOME of) the class-NOTES that fellow-STUDENTS provide, (SILENTLY) ABHOR any/ALL DIS-agreements with MY LOGIC/REASONING & PREFERENCE in "BIOPHYSICAL-activities" & MEDICAL-procedures.    

-- A creative man is motivated by the desire to ACHIEVE, ... NOT by the desire to BEAT-OTHERS.

... I'm "DRIVEN-to" "OVERCOME" MY "T.B.I.", 'cuz I WANNA-be ... "MORE than 'MEETS the EYE'!"
(... AM I a ... 'TRANSFORMER'?!)    

-- Life is short.  Break the rules.  Forgive quickly.  Kiss slowly.  Love truly.  Laugh uncontrollably.  ... And, NEVER-regret anything that made you SMILE!  Be passionate!!! Wear your heart on your sleeve!! Keep it REAL! 

... "Give EVERYTHING your 100%-effort/-energy ALL-the-time!"      

-- People are quick to judge, but slow to correct themselves. 

... If-ONLY "WE" were more "PRONE-to" "pointing the EYE of SCRUTINY" toward OURSELVES, ... "we" MIGHT-learn "ALL-the-MORE".    

-- "You never know what's around the corner. It could be everything. Or it could be nothing. You keep putting one foot in front of the other, and then one day you look back and you've climbed a mountain."  
(--Tom Hiddleston)

... "It sometimes takes A-LOT of 'WRONG-turns', BEFORE you FIND the 'RIGHT-path'."

* = EXCEPT for the 1972 Miami Dolphins

** = AT said-"facility", I PRACTICED "SWINGING a 'bo-staff'-type STICK at a LARGE-cushion.


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