Wednesday, June 1, 2016


LIFE "throws 'us' a SERIES/BUNCH of 'CURVEBALLS'.  ... So, as-MUCH-as I HAFTA/LOVE-to "PLAN-stuff", SOME "shit"'s INEVITABLY-gonna "go AWRY".
(... ''C'est la vie.'')
... The KEY is to FOCUS-on/HIGHLIGHT the "PROs"/"VIRTUEs"/"POSITIVE"s. ... & HIDE the "CONs"/"VICEs"/"NEGATIVEs".

... On THAT-note, TUESDAY's "UPPER body"-workout was UN-eventful, ... YET productive.

For SOME-reason--as occurs all-TOO FREQUENTLY with ME ... during the last ~7.83 YEARS, woke-UP/AROSE ... with LESS (LEFT) shoulder-MOBILITY.  ... REGARDLESS, my "IRON-WILL"/"DRIVE" "PUSHED-me THROUGH" the MINOR-"hindrance".

--"DoN'T confuse the 'ability to PREDICT' ... with the 'ability to CAUSE'."

... 'Por ejemplo': BASED-on my UN-yielding/tire-LESS DETERMINATION, my "CAN-do attitude" WILL LEAD-to my EVENTUAL-recovery.  But, as STRONG as my MIND IS, it can-/will-NOT "RE-build NERVES".

(  : (  )
(... BEGRUDGINGLY, I STILL-LACK the "teleKINESIS"-powers of one "Professor Charles Xavier".)  
(... I PREDICT that I WILL-WALK ... in-TIME ... based-on what my SLOWLY RE-developing NERVE-cells have-CAUSED.)

... I spent a few HOURS--on my 'DynaVox'--ONLY-today--concocting a speech ... about "DETERMINATION & PERSEVERANCE" to present to the 'Karateka'-KIDS.  ... I MUST've done SOMETHING-inspiring in the last ~23.75 YEARS of "Martial Arts"-training to "CAUSE" my "PROFESSOR" to ASK-me for SUCH an ESTEEMED-"presentation".  ... I "PREDICT" AWE-inspired questions. 

-- "Do ya SMEEEHHH-DUB-DUB-EEEHHHL ... what 'the ROCK' is ''COOKIN''?!"

((--Dwayne Johnson, "PROFESSIONAL"- (FAKE-) WRESTLER))

... "An impaired sense of smell is one of the earliest symptoms of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and some OTHER neurodegenerative diseases."

(--'Smell & the Degenerating Brain' by Richard L. Doty, 'The Scientist')

... MY "other" would be a "Traumatic Brain-Injury" ... & NEITHER "Parkinson's" NOR "Alzheimer's".

-- On THAT-note (Ha ha HA!), last night ... DURING-class ... I devised a CLEVER & HUMOROUS ... & IRONIC ... mnemonic-device for us-STUDENTS to REMEMBER the "3 Types of 'Cash-Flow'-Activities when ACCOUNTING:
"Bummer, I'm Forgetting"
... for "Billing, Investing & Financing"*.

... My SPEECH-Therapist "raised a VERY-VALID point",
 after my Caregiver answered the ringing-phone in HIS-room ... ~200 feet away ... behind a CLOSED-door.  I asked her, 
"Is my mom THAT-LOUD, OR is MY-hearing THAT-good?!" After she LAUGHED & answered "GREAT-hearing", she asked IF other students' talking BOTHERS me in class.  
... I replied in the NEGATIVE, 'cuz I'm TOO-much a NERD.
(... I'm NOT-GONNA LIE!)

-- "'KEEP your mind on' BOOKS ... NOT BOYS."

(--'Riding in Cars with Boys')
(... I very-MUCH HEEDED this advice during MY academic-career, ... & I'll be-SURE to EMPHASIZE this point to MY eventual-daughter.)**

-- 'UNUTTUM!' 

(... Turkish for 'I FORGOT!')
I've been BUSY with my class.  ... So I OMITTED my GLORIOUS LEG-workout!
(... SHAME-on ME!)

Nonetheless, ("Tis BETTER LATE than NEVER.")
... On TUESDAY ... at 'NeuroFit 360', I ... "WALKED" ... OUTSIDE ... ~5/16ths AROUND the business-zone ... with ONLY a LEANING-cane for RIGHT-handed support ... AND ... a TRAINER to hold my LEFT-arm.     
... AFTERWARDS, I chuckled & told the FEMALE-helper that "THAT was my 'FIRST-time' ... OUTSIDE ... with so-LITTLE 'PROTECTION' ... using JUST a cane.'"

* = THAT's ALSO the Organizational-ORDER in which they appear-on the "Statement of Cash-Flows".

** = Actually, "academic-EXCELLENCE" "just came/COMES NATURALLY" to ME.  ... I should THANK my LOGIC ... & 'RENTS!


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