Thursday, June 2, 2016


... (--Eric Cartman, 'South Park') 

-- "I WANT-to be ... 'MAGIC'.  ... I WANT-to 'TOUCH the HEART of the WORLD', & 'make it SMILE'.  ... I WANT-to be a 'friend-of ELVES', & 'live in a TREE' ... or 'under a HILL'.  ... I WANT-to 'marry a MOONBEAM', & 'hear the STARS SING'.  I doN'T WANT-to PRETEND at MAGIC anymore.  ... I WANT-to 'BE MAGIC'."
(--Charles de Lint)  

... PERSONALLY, I interpret Mr. Lint's "IMAGERY" as "VERY OPTIMISTIC metaphors".   

-- I've been sleeping, moving, living & ... just-BEING more-RELAXED, since I "convinced-MYSELF" last week that ... ACADEMIC-grades NO-longer matter ... as-MUCH .. to ME.
... Given my PHENOMENAL-/FANTASTIC-/NOTEWORTHY-/ESTEEMED-accomplishments ALREADY, "'ACING' grad-school" isN'T super-HIGH on MY "Priority-List".  
... AGAIN, 'tis ONLY for-FUN/-"SOCIAL-interaction"

is NOT

... "There is very often no need to be THREATENED, ... when others have opinions that are not YOURS.  Life is too-SHORT to WASTE ... any amount of time on wondering what other people think about you.  In the first place, if they had better things going on in their lives, they wouldn't have the time to sit around and talk about YOU." 
--C. JoyBell C.

-- (WARNING) So, AFTER I arose REALLY-EARLY 'ESTA mañana' ... at ~5:05 am ... EST ... from my "stomach's GROWLING" & "let-LOOSE" upon/INTO "my porcelain-THRONE" with some "ASSorted gastrointestinal-GIFTS", I momentarily-experienced some SLIGHT-ambivalence: 
... On ONE-hand, I DID '"fecally-RELIEVE myself" PRE-"feeding" ... to demonstrate my "stomach's ONGOING (SEMI-successful) JOURNEY for NON-medicinal INDEPENDENCE".
... HOWEVER, I realized that I had MIS-read/-interpreted my "'BOWEL-Movement DEPOSIT' Chart" last night.  So, I REQUESTED a "Bowel-STIMULANT" with my "DINNER".  ALSO, my "DUKEE-DEPOSIT" felt ... AND sounded rather-"LIQUIDY".  ... So, THAT aiN'T-good.
... In FURTHER-juxtaposition, I "took my (EXEMPLARY) 'VICTORY-lap'" BACK-to bed at ~5:25 am.  
(... Gotta-follow the GOOD ... with BETTER!)

... (WARNING) WHEW!  After my FIRST-"breakfast", my MAIN-Nurse informed me that SHE removed my typical-"bowel-STIMULANT".  So, my EVENING-Nurse could-ONLY "feed me" EXTRA "Muscle-RELAXERS".

... (WARNING) Maybe it IS more-PSYCHOLOGICAL*, 'cuz--upon hearing THIS "medicinal-announcement--I delivered a MORE-solid "POOP-Package" (in)to 'mi "JUAN"'. 

-- "I THOUGHT I was pretty-COOL, ... UNTIL I realized that 
PLANTS ... can 'EAT the SUN' & 'POOP-out AIR'."
(--Jim Bugg) 

-- Neil Armstrong was the first PERSON to walk on the moon.  ... "Neil A."-BACKWARDS ... is "ALIEN".
(... Just THINK-about that.)

-- ** There are TWO types of people in this world: 
Those who can-EXTRAPOLATE from INCOMPLETE-data

... There are 10 types of people: those who know binary and those who don't.***

... There was a MASSIVE-panic at the local-zoo, when a chameleon TRIED with ALL its MIGHT, ... but it would just NOT-change color.  ... Upon hearing of the animal's biological-QUANDARY, I RUSHED-over to "check it**** out".  ... My thoughts: 
"Based SOLELY-on IT's blood-sample & emotional-state, we seem-to have a SEVERE-case of ... "A REPTILE-DYSFUNCTION".

... "The BEST-teachers are those who SHOW you WHERE to LOOK, but doN'T TELL you WHAT to SEE."
(--Alexandra K. Trenfor)

... I JUST-incorporated--at 7:36 am ... EST--THAT-quote into MY "speech" to the 'Karate'-KIDS ... for THIS-Saturday ... with a MINOR-addition. 
(... I added "and HOW" after "WHERE", 'cuz SO-MANY accomplishments DEPEND-on "'HOW' one EXAMINES the issue.  ... "It's ALL-'angles'."  ... ESSENTIALLY, ... 'tis 'to EACH his-OWN'.)

-- "Don't find FAULT.  ... Find a REMEDY.  ... ANYBODY can ... COMPLAIN."
(--Henry Ford)

My EVENING-Nurse spilled ALL-of my "DINNER" ALL-over my stomach & lower-abdomen.  EEE-EWWW!
... But, I did-NOT "sweat it", 'cuz I KNEW I was IMMEDIATELY-showering anyway.
... I asked IF the problem was/were the CUP, ... 'cuz my MAIN-Nurse says that MANY of my plastic-cups are WARPED/DAMAGED/BENT from 'beirut' ("beer-pong").  
(... I did-NOT know that SOME of the cups were/are being REUSED.)
My EVENING-Nurse CLAIMED that 'twas the "FLATULENCE built-up in [my] stomach".  ... But, I KNEW--'cuz I ALWAYS-WATCH--that she just did-NOT have the TIGHTEST-grip on my peg-tube.

-- I've been NICELY-distracted TONIGHT by my making-REVISIONS to my Karate-SPEECH about "OVERCOMING-adversity" for Saturday ... AND by my watching-BASKETBALL.


** = I DO-ENJOY INTELLECTUAL-jokes!  ... I RARELY-feel "STILTED".  'Tis JUST my-personality.

*** = In "Binary-LANGUAGE", "1-0" equates-to/MEANS "2".
(... Ha ha ... HA!)

**** = PERSONALLY, I refer to the animal as "IT", 'cuz I "RESPECT ITs 'PRIVACY'"!


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