Sunday, June 26, 2016

"It's a 'PROCESS' ... of CONTINUING- ... 'GROWTH'."

... (--Bruce Lee)

-- So, I AWOKE this morning--at 4:36 am (  : (  )--with this POWERFUL-urge to URINATE (DOUBLE : ( ).  PLUS, I'd FORGOTTEN what DAY 'twas.  ( : (, : (, : ( )
... So, I "buzzed-FOR" my Caregiver ... at this "UNgodly-hour" to "SPOT-me", as I "WALKED" to "ACTIVELY-RELEASE my URINARY-TENSION".
... As is my/the "YOOJ"*, I couldN'T fall-BACK asleep AFTER a "WALK".  ... So, I decided-to BLOG.  (... Why NOT?!)
(... PLUS, I "put TWO & TWO TOGETHER" that ... SINCE my television was STILL "semi-ON"**, I MUST've fallen-ASLEEP ... DURING a 'SATURDAY Night Live'-rerun.
... AAAHHH, MY UN-wavering POWERS of DEDUCTION!***

-- "Your LIFE does-NOT get-BETTER by chanCe.  ... It gets-BETTER by chanGe."
(--Jim Rohm, 'MOTIVATION for SMART-People')

... "'HAPPINESS' is NOT something you POSTPONE for the FUTURE.  It IS something you DESIGN for the PRESENT."
(--Jim Rohn)

... "Of course, the FIRST-step is ... to UNDERSTAND 'what brings you HAPPINESS'."
(--Robert Collier) 

... "'Live-in' the 'NOW'."

... The ONLY-way to "REACH/ACCOMPLISH a GOAL" is 
... "ONE (METAPHORIC) 'STEP' at-a-time".
... SOMETIMES, you HAFTA "SUCK it UP" for ... OVER 2,941 days.  ... But, it WILL-be "WORTH it".

... I am "FAR-from" a "PERFECT-person".  ... I make ALOTTA-MISTAKES!  But, I REALLY-APPRECIATE those people who "stay-WITH me" ... after KNOWING how I REALLY AM.

... "CHEERS" to ALL the people who JUST-want to "BE themselves", ... & doN'T-CARE about "fitting-IN"!

"NOT-everyone ... EXCUSE me!  NO-ONE ... will-UNDERSTAND YOUR-'JOURNEY'.  ... That's OKAY.  You're 'HERE' to 'live YOUR-life' ... NOT to 'make everyone UNDERSTAND'."

-- "Imagine if you suddenly learned that the people, the places, the moments most important to you were not gone, not dead, but worse, had never been. What kind of hell would that be?"
(--Dr. Rosen, 'A Beautiful Mind')

... My "SHITTY" LONG-term memory makes MANY "ASPECTS" of MY-life--pieced-TOGETHER--KINDOF a ... "living-'HELL'".  ... I HAFTA-kinda rely-ON others' STORIES for the DETAILS of MY-TALES.

-- DESPITE my rather-TUMULTUOUS RECENT medical-/ neurological-history, I'm actually QUITE "WELL-balanced". I have a chip on BOTH-shoulders.

-- My NeuralPsychoTherapist--to ME: "WHY doN'T you CONTINUE your degree-PURSUIT?!  ... You caN'T 

'REASON' your way out of this!"

ME: "Why-NOT?!  Why caN'T I?!"

DOC: "Because YOUR-MIND is where the problem is in the 

first place!"

ME: "So, I LIKE-to 'OVERplay my 'TRAUMATICALLY brain-DAMAGED ... hand' to initiate a more-DRAMATIC reaction of AWE/SURPRISE at MY 'MATHEMATICAL-GIFTS'.  There's no point in being nuts if you can't have a little fun.  (AUDIBLE-laugh)"

-- In lieu of my REPEATED-frustrationS with my ("LESS-than 'SATISFACTORY'"/SUB-par) NOTE-taker(S), I'm DEFINITELY-gonna ... NOT-continue my "(OPTIONAL) Grad-school TRIAL", & focus-MORE-on my-ENTERTAINMENT.  

... "Classes will dull your mind, destroy the potential for authentic creativity."

(--Nash, 'A Beautiful Mind')



"[Y'all] NEED-to believe ... that something EXTRAORDINARY is ... POSSIBLE."

(--Nash, 'A Beautiful Mind')

-- I got "bitch-SLAPPED"--by a GIRL--last night, after I TRIED this PICKUP-line:

"I find you ATTRACTIVE. Your aggressive moves toward me... indicate that you feel the same way. But still, 'RITUAL' requires that we continue with a number of platonic activities... before we have sex. I am proceeding with these activities, but in point of actual-FACT, all I really want to do is have intercourse with you as soon as possible."
... Well, APPARENTLY, she LIKES-it ROUGH, ... 'cuz--on the drive-HOME, I said-to my BUDDY:
"Ya LIKE 'APPLES'?  ... Well, I GOT her-NUMBER.  How 'ya like 'dem-'APPLES'?!"

-- REGRETTABLY, I BEGIN-to "NOD-OFF", while my NeuralPsychoTherapist" TESTS my COMPETENCE.  

She comments: "I'm pretty-SURE that YOU're too-TIRED to give LEGITIMATE-answers."
MY response--to my NPT ("NeuralPsychoTherapist"):
"NOTHING's ever for sure, [Doc]. That's the ONLY SURE- thing I DO-know."
(--IMAGINARY-friend Charles, 'A Beautiful Mind')

-- TODAY, I asked my "WEEKEND-Nurse" a MATH-question ... just for "FUN"*****  
... I "presented" THIS mathematic-QUANDARY:     

((9 - 3 / (1/3) + 1)) = ?

... Using the "Order of Operations", she SHOULD've gotten ... 

(ADMITTEDLY, she had NO-idea.)

-- My housemate--to ME: "You've GOTTA-help me with this-MATH ... for my JOB."
ME: "But, [DUDE]!  It's 'SHARK-Week'!"
(--'Step Brothers')


** =  With ALL-of my ... FIVE televisions, one HAS-to "power-ON" BOTH the "TV"- AND "CABLE"-box(ES).
''C'est la vie.''

*** = Also, my laptop INDICATES the TIME AND DAY/DATE.  ... So, QUIT "BRAGGING", A.J., you "hemidemisemiquaver"**** of an ... "AMAZEMENT"!

**** = In reading/writing MUSIC, 'tis "1/64 of a note".

***** = "Fun"--for/to ME --> "To EACH his-OWN."


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