Tuesday, June 7, 2016


Just-after my THIRD-"breakfast" at ~9:30 am, I felt some "stomach-'RUMBLIN', BUMBLIN', STUMBLIN'"(--John Madden).  So, I "VENTURED-into 'mi cuarto de baño a la caída de "una bomba intestinal"' --> 'my bathroom to drop a "bowel-bomb"

... While THERE (I do some of my BEST-thinking, while I'm seated--CLEAR-minded & FOCUSED--atop my--ROYAL--"porcelain-THRONE".), I DECIDED-that I should/will "SUCK it UP" & COMPLETE my GRADUATE-degree, .. 'cuz 'tis "JUST-for FUN".  
(... THIS-"allowance" WILL-be TOUGH, 'cuz I'm USED-to ONLY 'A's.)
(... But--in THIS-case, 'tis MORE-about the "JOURNEY" than the "DESTINATION".)


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