Wednesday, June 22, 2016

I have SO-MUCH TIME ... & SO-LITTLE to DO!

... "SCRATCH-that."  ... REVERSE it."
(--Willy Wonka, 'Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory')

-- "Gosh!  I slept 'til noon, & I'm STILL-TIRED!  ... I think I'll go to Starbuck's & get a FRAPPUCCINO!"
(--STAND-up COMEDY by Dana Carvey, ''Critic's Choice'')

... ACTUALLY, I slept-IN/-LATE--for ME--'til ~7 am ... EST.  ... I just quoted Mr. Carvey ... for COMEDIC-effect.

... I had a HUMOROUS-beginning to my day:
RE-watched ''Dana Carvey: Critic's Choice'', "WALKED" to my toilet for a GOOD, LONG "URINARY-deposit" & RE-watched the HILARIOUS-film, 'Hot Rod'.  

-- ME--to my housemate:
"WHO would 'WIN' in a FIGHT--a TACO ... or a BOLOGNA-sandwich?"
My housemate: "FIRST-off, that seems pretty-RACIST. ... But, I'd go-with the BOLOGNA-sandwich in a 'REGULATED-brawl'.  ... But, in a 'STREET-fight', I've GOTTA-go with the TACO."

-- I watched two 'NUMB3RS'-reruns (2).

... Yet-AGAIN, I watched 'The Breakfast Club'.  

(... AWESOME "flick"!)

-- I--with MY LIMITED-knowledge on the subject--WAS "under the impression" that I--Altan J. Kaynatma--was the "trustEE" of MY LEGALLY-/JUDICIOUSLY-MANDATED "perpetuity"*.  ... My law-TEAM would-be MY "trustEEs".  I am "MERELY" THE ("NOMINAL") "placeHOLDER". 

... I JUST-"came-to the UNFORTUNATE-realization" that I WUZ QUITE-LEGIT ... TO an EXTENT.  ... NOW, ... with ALL my "LIMITS" & "SELF-imposed 'BARRIERS'", I'm "TOO-legit, ... so I MUST-QUIT".
(... I'll "QUIT" ... TRYING-to "make-/earn-MONEY".  ... I'll NEVER-QUIT my "QUEST for 'SELF-IMPROVEMENT'"!)

-- (AUDIBLE-sigh) It's gonna-get hardER, ... BEFORE it gets easIER.  ... But, it WILL-get BETTER.  ... You've just-GOTTA "make it THROUGH" the HARD-stuff FIRST. 

-- I RE-took my "QUIZ #6" for my 'Accounting'-class.  
... 'Twas a HUGE-"RISK", 'cuz ... what-IF I scored-WORSE?!
... Well, ... I've "got 'BALLZ', ... & they "PAID-off" ... SLIGHTLY.  
.. I--ONLY--got 1 MORE question CORRECT.  
... But, I JUST-sought an IMPROVEMENT!
(... Sooo, "CHECK!")

... BESIDES, I am JUST seeking-to "PASS the class", 'cuz the "GRADUATE-degree" is MERELY-/SIMPLY-/PURELY-OPTIONAL/UN-needed. 
... As I CURRENTLY-have a 'B-'-/C+'-average, my MAIN-issue is PSYCHOLOGICALLY-ACCEPTING my NON-'A' average.  

I FORGOT to note that in my PREVIOUS "SPEECH-Therapy"-session, I had ... sucked-on ... a LOLLIPOP!  ...
I SUCCESSFULLY "identified" the "MYSTERY-flavor" as ... 

... "SOME-kind of 'BERRY'?"
... Granted, 'twas NOT-"labeled".  But, my SPEECH-Therapist said that she "COULD-smell some BERRY".  ... I COULD SEMI-TASTE it!
... Well, TODAY, I REPEATED my-"TRIUMPH"!  NOT-only 
could I--AGAIN--SEMI-taste it, but I TASTED TWO lollipops!... First, I "IDENTIFIED" #1 as 'LEMON'-flavored, ... 'cuz it SEEMED sour.  Then, I named #2 as a 'Cotton-candy'-flavored "SUCKER".  
... YAY!  I couldN'T really-TASTE the "Cotton candy"-one.  But, I FELT the "SWEET-ness"-tingle ... on the "OPPOSITE-side of the END of my TONGUE ... as the 'SOUR-tastebuds'"** ... "moved".

... APPARENTLY, I'm MORE SENSITIVE-to SOUR-flavors, ... than I am to SWEET-ness.

... MORE SELF-IMPOSED "homework":
1) I've GOTTA-create a NEW "tongue-twister"--with 'C' & 'G'--for SPEECH ... by FRIDAY.
2) I've GOTTA-design a NEW "Karate-Wrestling-Jujitsu"-technique ... by SATURDAY.

... "HOMRWORK #1"  --> DONE!

"Girls, Could y'all Kindly-Curtsy out-of Courtesy & Contentment?  ... And, Guys, Gulp as y'all Go-to Grab your Gonads."

* = 'FINANCE'-term ... from my 'FINANCE'-class!  (... ALSO, SAID-payment will-NOT be FOREVER, ... as the CORRECT-definition INDICATES.  ... 'Twill ONLY-go, until I'm ... 76.) 

** = 'Tis ANATOMICALLY-CORRECT ... of/on/for the HUMAN's STRONGEST body-part: the TONGUE.


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