Wednesday, June 15, 2016

(AUDIBLE-sigh) 'Tis "HUMP-day".

... In HONOR-of the "DAY", I'm VIOLENTLY-/MERCILESSLY-"thrusting-UP" against the air.
(... RELAX, ladies!  I'm JUST enduring the "pelvic-THRUSTS" as a FORM-of ABDOMINAL-exercise, ... NOT 'cuz I'm SEXUALLY ATTRACTED-to ... the AIR.)

-- I'm in a DECENT-mood this morning, ... POSSIBLY 'cuz I had a SOMEWHAT-good class LAST NIGHT*, I DID my MORNING-exercises pain-LESS-ly--DESPITE my Nurse's WARNINGS and/or my housemate BRIEFLY-amused me with a few JOKES ... before HIS WORK.

LATE last night--after class, I devised a NIFTY "tongue-twister"--for ME--to recite in SPEECH today.  I printed it LATE last night--AFTER class, (Sooo, ... at ~10:45 pm ... EST.) & I emailed MYSELF a REMINDER of the WAITING "parentage".
(... SAID "tongue-twister":

... "CHristina the Conniving & SQUeaky SQUirrel SQUealed at the Contraption's SQUalid-Conditions.") 

... My SPEECH-Therapist GREATLY-complimented my-"WORK"!  ... She gave me ANOTHER "assignment":
Think of one with/for ... 'G'.

Ergo, let's TRY:
"Gadzooks!  The GarGantuan Ghost Giggled Girlishly & Ghoulishly, as Greg's Gaskins** Galloped Grandly." 

-- I LIKE-to "WORK"-on RETURNING MY MENTAL-capabilities to ... "AWE-inspiring EXCELLENCE"!

... I. e ((2^3) x (4/5) + 6)) - ((7^8) x (9/10) + 11 - 12))
--> Using the "Order of Operations" 
("Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally" --> "Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction")
= (8 x 0.8 + 6) - ... (5764801 x 0.9 - 1)
= 12.4 - ... 5188319.9

= -5188307.5
(... NOW, I'm RELAXED!)

-- BUMMER!  I JUST-received a phone-call from my Neural-PyschoTherapist ... POSTPONING my appointment TOMORROW for MY-testing.
(... I am the EPITOME of "NERD-vana"!)
... DOUBLE-BUMMER, ... 'cuz she's having "FAMILY-issues"!

-- "EVERYTHING around you that you call 'LIFE' was made up by people that were no smarter than you.  And, you can CHANGE it, you can INFLUENCE it."  
… Once you learn that, you'll NEVER-be the SAME again."
(--Steve Jobs)

... "LEADERSHIP" is NOT-about "titles", "positions" or "flowcharts".  ... It IS-about ... ONE-life influencing ANOTHER.
(... So, TECHNICALLY, I GUESS y'ALL MIGHT-consider ME ... a "LEADER".)

-- I TEND-to act-AWKWARDLY, when I "receive a COMPLIMENT".  ... I just-doN'T know HOW-to respond:

(... I.e. My Neural-PsychoTherapist--to ME:
"WELL-done!  That was very-INTUITIVE!"
MY reply: "... Uuummm.  ... HAPPY BIRTHDAY?"

* = Since there was a WIDESPREAD-problem with the FACILITY's WiFi-connection, the teacher ACTUALLY "VENTURED-over" & READ my three QUESTIONS ... via my "letter-board".

** = "Gaskin": lower part of a horse's thigh between the hock and the stifle.


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