Tuesday, June 14, 2016

"'HAPPINESS' is NOT something ready-MADE. ... IT comes-from YOUR-OWN actions."

... -- Dalai Lama

'10 Things that HAPPY-people do DIFFERENTLY' ... that y'ALL/WE should-ALSO-do:

1) Find "BALANCE" in Life.
--  Be content with what you have, and don’t waste a whole lot of time worrying and stressing over things you doN'T. 

2) Abide by the "GOLDEN-Rule".
-- “Do unto others as you would have them do to you.”  HAPPY-people truly embody this principle. ... You HAFTA treat others with RESPECT.  Be SENSITIVE to the thoughts and feelings of OTHER-people.  Be COMPASSIONATE.  ... And, YOU'll get treated this way (most of the time) in return.*   

3) DoN'T "sweat the SMALL-stuff".
-- You've GOTTA-"let  stuff GO".  SOMETIMES BAD-things happen to GOOD-people.   (I.e. MY TRAGIC-accident) You've GOTTA- realize this, "take things 'in-STRIDE'" & "move-ON".  UN-happy people TEND-to dwell on minor inconveniences and issues, which can/DO perpetuate feelings of sadness, guilt, resentment, greed, and anger.

4) Take-RESPONSIBILITY for YOUR-actionS.
-- We areN'T perfect.  We've GOTTA-be WELL-aware of that. When y'ALL screw-up, just-ADMIT it.  Recognize your faults and work to improve on them. UN-happy people tend to blame others and always find an excuse why things aren’t going their way. Happy people, on the other hand, live by the mantra:
“There are two types of people in the world: those who DO ... and those who make-EXCUSES for WHY they doN'T.”
5) SURROUND yourself with OTHER HAPPY-people.
-- "MISERY loves COMPANY", ... & vice-versa.  UN-happy people gravitate toward others who share their NEGATIVE-sentiments. If you’re struggling with a bout of sadness, depression, worry, or anger, spend more time with your happiest friends or family members. Chances are, you’ll find that MY positive attitude "rubs off" ON-you.

-- People who are happy often exhibit the VIRTUES of HONESTY & TRUSTWORTHINESS. They would rather give you candid feedback, even when the TRUTH "HURTS".  They expect the same in return. Happy people RSPECT people who give them an honest opinion.

-- "S-M-I-L-E --> Savor Memories Incited-by Laughing Emphatically"(--Altan Kaynatma)  Think about your happiest friends. Chances are, the mental image you form is of their smiling, laughing & appearing genuinely HAPPY.  On the flip side, those who areN'T happy tend to look the part. Their posture may be slouched, and you may perceive a lack of confidence.
(... Personally, I'm ALWAYS TRYING-to IMPROVE my POSTURE!  .... I TEND-to slouch-OVER, when I "WALK" ... & after LONG "SITTING-ordeals in my chair".  
(... SHUCKS!)
... But, THIS "question mark"-esque "frame" is DUE-to FATIGUE more-than UNHAPPINESS.  ... (AUDIBLE-sigh) I have NOT ... YET ... achieved HERCULEAN NECK- & BACK-STRENGTH I once-HAD.


-- DoN'T "HALF-ass" ... ANYTHING!  "IF you're gonna-GO, ... go ALL-out."  ... STRANGELY, my injurIES have FURTHER-"UPPED" my MOTIVATION & "DRIVE" for SELF-IMPROVEMENT.  ... I mean, my SELF-CONFIDENCE/"SWAGGER" was ALREADY practically-"'LimitLESS'"**  ... NOW, I feel-like EVERYTHING I DO is a "TEST" of whether I have "... the STRENGTH to CARRY-ON"!  "... Then, [I] FINALLY 'see' the TRUTH ... that a 'HERO' lies-IN [ME]!"    


-- Y'ALL HAFTA-accept challenges, & use them as opportunities to learn and grow. They turn negatives into positives and make the best out of SEEMINGLY-BAD situations. They don’t dwell on things that are out of their control  Rather, they seek solutions and creative ways of overcoming obstacles.

10) "LIVE-in ... the PRESENT."

-- While UN-happy people tend to 'DWELL-on the PAST', & WORRY-about the FUTURE, ... HAPPY-people live in the moment. They are grateful for “the now” and focus their efforts on living life to the fullest in the present. Their philosophy is:
There’s a reason it’s called “the present".  ... 'Tis 'cuz LIFE is a gift
(... BASED-on the writings of Scott Christ)

-- "The gods ENVY us, ... because EACH-moment COULD-be our-LAST."

(--Achilles, 'Troy')
... We-ALL have that-EXCITEMENT of "living-LIFE to the FULLEST"!       

-- "'FACING your FEAR' doesN'T ALWAYS-mean 'CONQUERING it'."

(--'Friday the 13th -- Part VIII')
(... I "CONFRONT" my "DEADened-nerves" EVERYDAY!  ... But, as of YET/NOW, "THEY" are STILL-"WINNING".)     

... I'm STILL very MILDLY-afraid of NOT-liking & FAILING my "Master's" 'Finance & Accounting'-class.

... NONETHELESS, I'm GOIN' tonight!

... As-of ~10:05 am ... EST, ... DAG-NABBIT!  ... There MUST've been SOME-KIND of "INTERNET-problem" at "SCHOOL", 'cuz I TRIED-to "get-ONLINE" for ~1.6 HOURS there ... "to NO-AVAIL".

... I ONLY stayed-AWAKE, 'cuz I was PAINFULLY-DISTRACTED ... for ~"half-an-hour" by "sitting-ON my NUTS!
(... OWZA!)

... I ASKED the teacher, IF I may TRY-for some EXTRA CREDIT.  ... He REPEATED the OPTION for EVERYONE's FINAL-grade.  ... I QUICKLY-"crunched the NUMBERS"--MENTALLY & told him that "I'll just STICK-with my QUIZ-grades as 100% of my FINAL-grade.

(... With three-"QUIZ"zes LEFT, I'd NEED two '90's & a '95' to IMPROVE-upon my 'B'.)


* = There's a MONUMENTAL-DIFFERENCE between 
"EM-pathy" & "SYM-pathy".  ... EMPATHY is "understanding what others are feeling because you have experienced it yourself or can put yourself "in their shoes".  ... While, SYMPATHY is merely "acknowledging another person's emotional hardships and providing comfort and assurance".

** = GREAT-show--'Limitless' ... that "rings PARTICULARLY-TRUE to/or ME", ... 'cuz of the "Intellectual-POWER" NOT the "ILLEGAL PHARMACEUTICAL-STIMULANT"!


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