Monday, August 10, 2015

A FOCUSED-mind is one of the most POWERFUL forces in the UNIVERSE!

This NON-visual tactic REALLY helps me "HARNESS my 'QI'"!

… LOGICALLY, my NEXT "focus-step" will-be to HOST & OPERATE a "CONCENTRATION-Camp".  … NOT just-ANYONE can "ENTER" said "CAMP", however.  UN-fortunately, I'll HAFTA-be rather-PERSNICKETY in regulating the "'CAMP'-entrants".

(… WHEN is it NOT "too-SOON" for "Holocaust-JOKES"?!)
(… If we caN'T find HUMOR in said catastrophe, then we'll NEVER truly/fully "HEAL".)

So, APPARENTLY,  MY mind was--AGAIN--dreaming about "#s".
At 3:56 am EDT, I AWOKE--to the "LOUD-grumbling of my stomach".
(… My PEACEFUL, WELL-deserved SLUMBER was INTERRUPTED … NOT by my ACTUAL bedside-clock--THANKFULLY.  …But, RATHER, my "sheep-counting" was DISTURBED by my "INTERNAL Gastro-Intestinal 'CLOCK'".)  … It turns out that my "WEIRDO-brain" dreamt of my "WEIRDO-stomach" being more ACTIVE.  
So, lo & behold, I "DROPPED a DEUCE" as part of MY (EARLY) Morning "Pick-me-UP".
((… For those of you "keeping-score at-home": 
The FIRST-task/#1-priority I accomplished on this FIRST weekday (Monday) … of the FIRST "double digit-date" (10) … of the FIRST multi-syllabic month (Au-gust) … that begins with a vowel … in the SECOND-half of the year … of the FIRST year (2015) … of the SECOND-half of this decade (2010s), I "went #2".  
So, to SUM-UP, that's "1-1-1-1-2-1-2-2".))

… "One, two! One, two! And through and through
  The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!
He left it dead, and with its head
  He went 'galumphing back.'*"
(--'Jabberwocky', Lewis Carroll)

… NO, I was NOT fencing with/AGAINST my-OWN excrement!
(… "NOT gonna DO it!  WouldN'T be PRUDENT!"
--COMEDIAN Dana Carvey's MOCKING impression of former President George Bush)

After a TOUGH or TIRING or FRUSTRATING day-BEFORE, I like to wake-up & watch MY OWN (very ENCOURAGING, UPLIFTING & "TOUCHING") valedictory.  
… NO, I am NOT conceited!  'Twas just a WONDERFUL, POIGNANT speech … that reminds me of MANY things for which I HAFTA be-THANKFUL.  

So, I was reading an ANALYTIC-article about my favorite NFL-team--the Denver Broncos, when the writer (ESPN's Jeff Legwold) used a FABULOUS term to describe the team that--I think--could/would VERY-MUCH also apply-to MY/OUR "ONE-man team":

"relentless OPTIMISM".

(… In--CONSTANT--efforts to SILENCE the MANY DOUBTERS/HATERS I PREVIOUSLY-had, 'tis QUITE comforting & reassuring, when I can DEMONSTRATE/DISPLAY my UN-explainable--yet MEMORABLE--PROGRESS, … & I KNOW 'twas GOOD!)
(… "How 'bout THAT, Mr. DOUBTING-MustAfa?!"--Genie, 'Aladdin')

ALAS!   I COULD JUST--ALWAYS--"ramble-ON" about the PRINCIPLES of "being a BETTER-person".  But, I caN'T/mustN'T JUST "TALK the TALK".  I HAFTA also "WALK the WALK."  (Ha ha HA!  THAT's an ODD "turn-of-phrase".  "Oh, sweet I-rony!"--Willenholly, 'Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back')

… I--CONSTANTLY--invite friends over NOT JUST to SHARE stories & "SHOOT the (proverbial) SHIT".  But, I--ALSO--like-to "SHOW-off" my CONSTANT-PROGRESS!
'Tis VERY-GOOD for MY psyche (pronounced "sigh-KEY"!
(… "A GOOD image about/of YOURSELF isN'T made-up of WORDS, but of ACTS."--Speaker UNKNOWN … by me)
Story of MY LIFE: 
BEFORE my "SPEECH-Therapy" EARLY THIS AFTERNOON, I watched a couple episodes of the FANTASTIC TV-show, 'NUMB3RS'.
(… I could so, so, SSSOOO do THAT--"APPLYING a NUMERICAL-/QUANTIFIABLE-explanation for QUIZZICAL and--SEEMINGLY--IN-explicable CRIMES/legal- QUANDARIES"!)

So, I ATE TWO eggs--via MOUTH--in "SPEECH-Therapy" today.  Also, I TOLD of my WEEKLY Sunday-brunch OUT-at a nearby restaurant with my housemate & his 'rents.   (… I ALSO ate TWO scrambled eggs THERE.) 
I did my USUAL … LOTS of LIP- & TONGUE-movement exercises, word-ANNUNCIATION sentences &FUTURE- "therapy"-SCHEDULING.

Now that I THINK about it: 
I have a VERY-BUSY week AHEAD-of me!
I have MY "NeuralPsychoTherapy-session" & MY "UPPER body"-workout TOMORROW.
I HAFTA CO-demonstrate MORE of MY Jujitsu-techniques to BOTH the KIDS' & ADULTS' Karate-classes.
A "HANDFUL of MIDDLE school friends" ("hand-full" = 5) are visiting me FRIDAY.
I have an IMPORTANT "'Martial arts'-seminar" to attend SATURDAY.

So, my blogging still VERY-MUCH "showcases" my RANDOMNESS.  
I'd LIKE-to describe the CONSTANT-"VARI-able" of MY thoughts MATHEMATICALLY, … 'cuz THAT's how I function/operate/process.

P.S. * = HOW would one "GALUMPH-back"?  In MY--TEMPORARILY--"CRIPPLED"-state, could … "GALUMPH"?  I'd--SURE as HELL--like-to TRY!

P.P.S. I watched … PIECES/PARTS of … the film 'Disturbia' the other day.  … STRANGE movie!


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