Saturday, August 29, 2015


… --'The Breakfast Club'

Personally, I WAS--PRE-accident--GREAT at/in MANY DIFFERENT areas/aspects … of "LIFE":
-- ACADEMIA (MATH, scienceS, FOREIGN-languageS, grammar, spelling, geography, …)
-- ATHLETICS (WRESTLING, soccer, football, basketball, …)
-- MARTIAL ARTS (Karate, Jujitsu)

-- TEACHING (KIDS' martial arts, MATH-tutoring, high school "Peer-Counselor", …)
-- ROMANCE (Girlfriend of ~5.47 YEARS)
-- CULTURAL-DIVERSITY (English-, Turkish-, Spanish-, Japanese-, Italian-understanding)
-- APPLIED-LOGIC (biophysics, trigonometry, statistics)

… I WAS/AM VERY AWARE/COGNIZANT of PROPER SAFETY-precautions.  I ACTUALLY REMEMBER (YAY!) that I WAS wearing my seatbelt--as I ALWAYS do--during my TRAGIC car accident 

2,610 DAYS ago.
But, the DUMB-ASSed writers at/for the 'Sun Sentinel'-newspaper--APPARENTLY--do NOT understand the concepts of "FORCE-PHYSICS" & "TRIGONOMETRY" but are ENTIRELY too-QUICK to make FALSE/INCORRECT ASSUMPTIONS.  So, those "NUMSKULLS"--MISTAKENLY--wrote that, because I was EJECTED from my vehicle, I MUST-NOT have been wearing my "SAFETY-harness".  
… ''Au CONTRAIRE, mon FRE'RE''!  
MUST I AGAIN explain HOW the THRUST of the EXPLOSION of the FAULTY/EXPIRED FRONT Driver's-side (= LEFT) tire … AND the angle of the now 
TILTING-/TIPPING-OVER car (~130 degrees to/from the highway) … AND my OPEN car-window (FRONT-LEFT) … AND my driving-SPEED of ~1.17 miles/MINUTE (~70 mph) provided MORE-than ENOUGH "FORCE" to DISLODGE me from my CHAIR & HURTLE me to my BUMPY, BLOODY, COMATOSE NEAR-death on the busy highway?!
DO the MATH.

P.S. MY "Mass" was ~66 kilograms (= ~145.2 pounds).
(F = MA --> "Newton's 2nd Law of Notion")

(… ME: "CLASS dismissed.")

… As an example of my QUICK-thinking & "martial arts"-EXPERTISE, I devised a completely-NEW Karate-technique (for the KIDS' classES) in ~"an HOUR" … THIS MORNING.

(… I USUALLY spend a COUPLE nights creating a GOOD/FEASIBLE technique.) My 'Sempai' demonstrated it to ME … SUPERBLY!
… My homework BEFORE next Thursday is to create MORE!

… I saw this poster: 

I train with FOCUS.
My opponents FEAR me.
I am READY for whatever comes my way."

… "When the 'winds of CHANGE blow', some people 'build WALLS', … & others 'build WINDMILLS'."

(--Chinese proverb)
(… 'Tis ALL-about "making the BEST of a BAD-situation".)

… "An 'AVERAGE-person' who develops the habit of setting clear priorities and getting important tasks completed quickly will 'run circles' around a 'GENIUS' who talks a lot and makes wonderful plans but gets very little done." 
~ Brian Tracy


I--A.J. Kaynatma--HAFTA "PRACTICE what I 'PREACH'"!  I 

"spit-out" ALOTTA DOs & DON'Ts.  So/But, 'tis 


EXAMPLE" of … the PROPER-/MODEL-"way of LIFE")

… "I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave person is not one who does not feel afraid, but who conquers that fear." 

~ Nelson Mandela

(… EVERY day I HAFTA deal with my INTERNALIZED-"fear" of ………...
… ALAS!  "Fear" is NOT your "ENEMY".  'Tis MERELY a "COMPASS"--pointing you to the AREAS in which you need-to "GROW" & "DEVELOP".(… JEEZ, A.J.!  THAT was REALLY "DEEP"!)
(… ME: "I APPRECIATE the set-up for … ''THAT's what SHE said!''  But, ALSO, by utilizing "TRIAL & ERROR", applying the concept of "LEARNING from your MISTAKES", possessing STEADFAST-determination & STUBBORNLY-repeating my "DAILY-Activities", I'm--SLOWLY yet SURELY--IMPROVING!)

… "Don't forget, (y'ALL): HOPE is a GOOD-thing--maybe the 
BEST of things."
(--Andy Dufresne, The Shawshank Redemption)

life may get, I HAFTA maintain the/my HOPE, "DRIVE" & 
DETERMINATION … that my injurIES are just TEMPORARY 
obstacles to OVERCOME … along MY "path to 

(… Now, excuse me. I HAFTA get-BACK to MEMORIZING 
pi. I'm up-to … 3.1415926535897932 …)


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