Tuesday, August 25, 2015

"We are ALL here to DO … what we're all here to do."

… --Oracle, 'The Matrix Reloaded'

Since, essentially, … 
I LACK empathy, … 
PLUS most tasks take me longER than USUAL/TYPICAL to COMPLETE, … 
PLUS , my AGITATION "spills-OUT my ears" when (SO-CALLED "MEDICAL") "doctors" "ramble-on some 'BULLSHIT'" about "JUST wait"-ing &
I am in NO-particular-HURRY to "FULLY-rehabilitate".  CONTRARY to POPULAR-belief, 
I--a "Traumatic Brain-Injury"-victim--UNDERSTAND that TIMELINESS is NOT-always "my FRIEND", I RECOGNIZE that my "MOVES" are NOT always SUPER-courteous.  "The trouble IS" … that I do NOT really-CARE!   

My Neural-PsychoTherapist--to ME: "You have the sight now, 

(A.J.). You are looking at the world without time." 

ME: "Thanks A LOT, Doc!  But, what IF--'DOWN the line'--I hafta CHOOSE between 'DIS-obeying my OWN bodily-INTUITION … to appease OTHERS' 
'trusting MY-OWN instincts for MY-OWN comfort'?  Then, WHOM do I 'FAVOR'?  … Are OTHERS MORE-IMPORTANT than I?!"
Neural-PsyT: "No, you've already made the choice. Now you have 
to understand it." 

ME: "No. I can't do that. I won't." 

Neural-PsyT: "Well, you have to. "

ME: "Why?" 

Her: " Because you're 'The ONE'." 

 TODAY was rather "LAID-BACK", so 'twas "NOOOIIICE!"

(… Ergo, I told some stories via quotes from "The Oracle" & 

"Neo" in the 'Matrix'-trilogy.)


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