Wednesday, August 26, 2015

"ADAPTATION is a profound process. Means you figure out how to THRIVE in the world."

… --'Adaptation'

"It is NOT the STRONGEST of the species that (WHO) survives, NOR the MOST INTELLIGENT that (WHO) survives.  … It is the one MOST ADAPTABLE to CHANGE."
(--Charles Darwin)

So, after my completing my "MORNING DAILY-Activities", I BEGAN my "SPEECH-homework" by EATING--via MOUTH--ONE scrambled egg.

… (MORE "SPEECH-Tongue Twister" HOMEWORK:

"A hundred hirsute hyenas hastily-hurried in the Himalayas to heartily-howl."

"My silly yet stupid stomach-surgeon stressed that swimming could strain my tube-site."



ME: "Do I have an original thought in my head?   Maybe if I were happier, my hair wouldn't be falling out. Life is short. I need 

to make the most of it. Today is the first day of the rest of my life. 

I'm a walking cliché. ( EXCEPT, I doN'T really "WALK" 

INDIVIDUALLY  YET.)  I really need to go to the doctor and 

have my legS checked. There's something wrong.  A bump. ( 

OH!   THAT's a testicle.)  If I stop putting things off, I would be 

happier. All I do is sit on my ass. If my ass (weren't ALWAYS 

parked in a chair) I would be happier.  I should start jogging 

again. Five miles a day. Really do it this time. Maybe rock 

climbing. I need to turn my life around. What do I need to do? I 

need to fall in love. I need to have a girlfriend. I need to read 

more, improve myself. What if I learned Russian or something? 

Or took up an instrument? I could speak (Turkish  AND 

Japanese). I'd be the screenwriter who speaks (Japanese) and plays 

the oboe. That would be cool. I should get my hair cut short. Stop 

trying to fool myself and everyone else into thinking I have a full 

head of hair. How pathetic is that? Just be real. Confident. Isn't 

that what women are attracted to? Men don't have to be attractive. 

But that's not true. Especially these days. Almost as much pressure 

on men as there is on women these days. Why should I be made to 

feel I have to apologize for my existence? Maybe it's my brain 

chemistry. Maybe that's what's wrong with me. Bad chemistry. All 

my problems and anxiety can be reduced to a chemical imbalance 

or some kind of misfiring synapses. I need to get help for that. 

But, I'll still be ugly though. Nothing's gonna change that."


ME--to my NeuralPsychoTherapist: "There are too many ideas 

and things and people. Too many directions to go. I was starting 

to believe the reason it matters to care passionately about 

something, is that it whittles the world down to a more 

manageable size."


On a BAD-note, I DID UN-intentially MIS-direct my "ANGER at an employEE" at my MOM.  

BOO, A.J.!
(… EXPLANATION:)Yesterday, my caregiver FORGOT to SHUT my INNER-"garage-to-laundry room" door.  
Today, as I was exiting my house … through the SAME-door, my mom--who was HERE for her BI-weekly workout--walked-AWAY, as I exited via SAID door.  She LEFT said door AJAR.
… I got ENTIRELY TOO-UPSET over HER forgetfulness.
(… SHAME on ME!)

As a result of my BRILLIANT Law-team's JUDICIOUSLY- & RIGHTFULLY-WINNING my lawsuit AGAINST the DREADED car-tire company, I JUST checked my MONTHLY-"EARNINGS".  

… I JUST checked my MONTHLY-earnings.  I WAS going to "POST"/"SHOW my work" … a la MATH, 'cuz "THAT's just WHAT I DO."  "Per MY checking FIRST with my mom (She's so WISE!), I withheld my EXACT-calculations, 'cuz … WHAT do I HAFTA prove?!  
… I'm monetarily-"VERY COMFORTABLE".  

… Yes, I'll SKIP the NUMERIC-values.  But, I WILL describe the "STEP-by-STEP process" I used to DETERMINE said "variables":  
1) I researched my financial-DEPOSITS into my "checking-account".
2) By comparing EACH of FOUR separate months, I determined the RECURRING MONTHLY "Deposits" & "Withdrawals".
3) … Provided the payments "IN" and/or "OUT" are "REGULAR"/REPEATED, I "spread the INDIVIDUAL-transactions" across a 12-MONTH interval.

… Ergo, TECHNICALLY, my "salary" is 
(… By the way, I WILL "get" SAID financial-ADDITIONS, EVERY MONTH 'til I'm 75 years old.)
((… THAT's (45 YEARS x 12 MONTHS =) 540 months.)) 

… No, I am NOT "bragging"!  
(… Besides, 'tis HARDLY a BRAG-WORTHY amount!)
I am MERELY stating my--OPTIMISTIC--"RELIEF" that,
"GOOD things CAN happen to GOOD people."

(WHEN--not "IF"--I WALK, THAT'll symbolize the 

"CONCLUSION" of this "SECTION" of MY "LIFE-film", 

entitled 'THEE Turkish DELIGHT  OOZING with Flavuh'.)

ME--to my mom: "I'll tell you a secret. The last act makes a film. 

Wow them in the end, and you've got a hit. You can have flaws, 

problems, but wow them in the end, and you've got a hit. Find an 

ending, but don't cheat, and don't you dare bring in a 'deus ex 

machina'. Your characters must change, and the change must 

come from them. Do that, and you'll be fine.  … Am … not a 

PERFECT-example of some 'FAUX'-'deus ex machina'?!"

Pessimistic ME--INTERNALLY … before I PUNCHED myself 

in the face

"It's over. Everything's over. I did everything 

wrong. I want my life back. I want it back before everything got 

fucked up. I want to be a baby again. I want to be new. … I 


(… ALL quotes are from the GREAT … & APPLICABLE film--



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